Why the Brain Makes Sure We Are Right All the Time

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Brain and mind

“Reality is the mirror of your thoughts. Choose well what you put in front of the mirror.” ~Remez Sasson

At the age of fourteen, I had never been in a musical theatre production in my life.  I walked into the theater for my first audition, back in the summer of 1991.  I had high hopes for the outcome of the audition, but in the end I didn’t get the type of role I had hoped for.  While I had at least gotten a role the local community theatre’s production, I had merely secured a role as a member of the chorus.  In the summer of 1996, only five years later, I was part of a team which brought a brand-new community theatre group to our home town, selling out several shows and featuring a cast and crew of well over one hundred people.  That organization still exists today, sixteen years later!  Awesome!

In five years, I went from absolutely no experience/knowledge to starting a community theatre organization.  Not to mention for most of those five years I was a high school student, and smack dab in the middle of that, I lost my mom in a car accident and was dealing with depression.

I came across many a person as we were in the process of organizing the theatre group who thought what we were doing was impossible.  Some people just laughed and wished me good luck because they didn’t think we stood a chance, especially since I didn’t have a certain degree or level of experience.  Some people, however, never doubted us for a minute, and they became our biggest and most needed supporters when we were scratching and clawing to obtain any sort of credibility during the process.

I never doubted our team for a minute.  We had the drive and motivation to make sure the organization was a success.  How was it that our results so closely matched what we envisioned in our minds?  It’s quite simple; the reason why our results matched our vision was because our minds didn’t know the difference between imagination and reality.  We believed our vision to be reality, thus it was.

Our brains are like computers.  They are much better than computers, but research has shown that for the most part our brains are programmable and they carry out what they are programmed to do, just like computers carry out their programmed commands.  If you continually bathe your mind in positive thoughts, affirmations, and beliefs, your brain will carry out those beliefs by aligning your mind and body with those beliefs.  Likewise, if you continually surround yourself with negativity, and continually bathe it with negative thoughts, affirmations and beliefs, your brain will start to harbor those negative thoughts as “normal” or acceptable, and accept the negativity as its programming.  It’s no wonder some people seem to be so negative much of the time!

If we believe something to be true, wholeheartedly, then our brains will believe that our beliefs are reality.  If you have a goal that you want to accomplish, you must believe that you have already accomplished it, or at the very least, you must create as clear a vision of your goal as you possibly can.  Your brain will believe your vision to be reality, and it will align itself and your body to carry out the programming you have entered.

Have you ever told yourself that there was no way you were going to accomplish something?  Were you right about it?  How did you know that you would never accomplish it?  Did you even try?  Did you convince yourself you couldn’t do it before you even started?

If you think you are a failure, you are right.

If you think you aren’t creative, you are right.

If you think you aren’t good at math, you are right.

If you think you are ugly and fat, you are right.

If you think you are someone who people want to be with, you are right.

If you think you are beautiful, you are right.

If you think you are a positive person, you are right.

If you think you are successful, you are right.

Whatever you think you are, you are right all the time.  The good news is that you get to choose what you think, and therefore you get to shape who you become.

Choose greatness, and think about how great you are.  You will have no choice but to be right!


Photo source: freedigitalphotos.net


About the Author

  • Elle Sommer says:

    Absolutely wonderful post Victor! It’s a great system…life as a mirror…it allows us to see precisely what we keep our attention on…which is awesome because as you put it so well “the good news is you get to choose what to think”.

    Encourage one another.

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