Tired of “drama” on Facebook? Need some positive inspiration? Follow me on Facebook and I promise to add positivity to your day!
It’s great to get inside the heads of people who help other people establish themselves as entrepreneurs. The way they look at things and where they see opportunity is truly amazing. It can be said and understood that there is a fundamental way that people in this industry think and behave. In many ways, their ability to take bold actions and to move ahead and push aside fear would help us all in our everyday lives!
Whether you consider yourself an entrepreneur or not, my guest today, Kyle Eschenroeder of StartupBros.com, will give us all a glimpse into his mindset and provide us with tips and recommendations on how to change the way we think to get better results, no matter what line of work you do. We’ll talk about the benefits of meditation, how to “aim” your subconscious, the best way to make money now days, and we’ll also spend some time talking about his book, titled “Self-Made U.”
When I was introduced to Kyle, I went to his website and read his article on the process he went through to get his book cover design. It was such an in-depth and clever plan, and I was amazed by how easy it was, along with all the cool “pickups” along the way and things to consider trying myself. It’s clear that Kyle and his associate Will Mitchell are creative and innovative, and no doubt they have something valuable to teach us!
Please join me for today’s interview and a peek inside the head of a very clever and ingenuitive guy! You won’t want to miss this one! Listen now!
“Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” ~Ralph Marston
It’s that time for me again…Time for renewal and refreshment. I’ll be taking some time away from my website and blog to spend quality time with my family, so I will say goodbye for about a week or so. After that time, I’ll be back and ready to roll again and resume writing on this site.
Until then, I wish you all my best.
Wishing you much happiness, health, and prosperity now and always,
Tired of “drama” on Facebook? Need some positive inspiration? Follow me on Facebook and I promise to add positivity to your day!
Did you ever think that your IQ was fixed, and that you were born with a certain IQ and you could never change it? Not true!
Check out this awesome article from Marelisa Fabrega and read what she has to say about increasing your IQ! Marelisa puts out some great stuff, and this certainly is another wonderful example.
There are some topics that fascinate me, but I don’t know much about them, and so when I can have someone join me to talk about one of these topics, I am thrilled! I happened to cross paths a few months ago with my guest for this week, Brenda Strausz, and I discovered that she has experience and knowledge about something called “Emotional Freedom Technique,” or EFT and “tapping.”
If you have absolutely no idea what EFT or tapping is, then you won’t want to miss today’s interview, because we are going to discuss those two items, among other things! 🙂
Brenda is a holisitic psychotherapist and coach with a practice in the Metro Detroit area. She coaches people all over the world by phone and Skype. Brenda uses a combination of conventional modalities like hypnosis, the work of Louise Hay, EFT tapping, mindfulness, and the law of attraction in her work. She is dedicated to helping people uncover and live in their their full magnificence.
If you want to learn more about Brenda, I invite you to visit her website, www.BrendaStrausz.com, as well as connecting with her on Facebook by clicking HERE.
Listen in today and find out just how you can be on your way to living your own magnificence! 🙂
Facebook user? Click the “Like” button below for daily inspiration, and I’ll even throw in an electronic copy of my popular “Antidote” to the mediocre mind as a “thank you!” (And I’ll do a little happy dance when I see you’ve liked my page too) 🙂
Did you get my book yet? Grab your copy today! Click on the book below to get yours! 🙂
On Monday I went out to eat at a local restaurant with my family. When we got to the restaurant, I saw the news channel reporting the events that had unfolded in Boston during the marathon. My wife and I were unaware of the situation until then, and then my seven-year-old daughter Brianna started in with the questions. Have you ever been in that situation, trying to explain the rationale for why people would consider doing such terrible things to defenseless and innocent people, to a child?
While I was trying to process it all, I started to wonder — I started to wonder what it was like for those terrified runners, who, on top of running a 26.2 mile race, have to deal with all of that. I started to wonder what it was like for the innocent bystanders who may or may not have been affected by the tragedy. I began to wonder and ask the larger questions, even out loud. I asked, “Why do people feel they need to do this sort of thing? Why?”
I don’t like to hear bad news, and I don’t enjoy watching the repeated video footage of the bomb going off again and again and again. I even said so much to my wife. I also told her that while I understand the need to inform people of the event, I would prefer that the news refrains from making such a big deal of it, simply because sometimes the people who do these sorts of thing get a kick out of seeing the amount of panic it causes and how much attention it generates.
But most of all, I just wish we could live in a world free of hate and cruelty to others. I just wish we could all get along, and for heavens sake, if you are someone who feels that life has gotten so horrible, and if you are someone who feels that drastic measures are necessary, then please by all means carry out the drastic measures on yourself and yourself only, and leave other innocent people out of it. My goodness…What compels someone to act in a way that can tear apart families and forever change people’s lives? For what reason? I wonder…
I once read that one of the things that sets humans apart from other animals is the large brains that humans possess, and that the reason for the evolution of the large brain was because it gave us the ability to “read minds.” By reading minds and “wondering” what it would be like to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, we could develop empathy, and be well on our way to greatness.
Well, I’m at a loss, still two days later. While I am filled with empathy, and while I am still wondering what it must be like, among other things, for a set of parents to have their eight-year-old son lose his life and have a six-year-old daughter lose her leg, simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time in a horrible twist of fate, I am also filled with deep sadness about how “not great” we humans can be sometimes.
Why we still continue to perpetuate anger, fear, hate, and selfishness is something I hope one day I won’t have to wonder about anymore.
Did you get my book yet? Grab your copy today! Click on the book below to get yours! 🙂
Have you ever been perplexed? Have you ever asked a question for which there was no answer? Have you ever needed to come up with an answer, only to find that nothing is coming? I know I have been there so many times, and I still end up there multiple times per day. Some questions are “bigger” than others; some are “tiny” questions, but they still need answering!
I think back to my younger days, when I enjoyed “dabbling” in electronics, specifically audio media. I loved to play around with making audio recordings, manipulating audio, and other experimentations. Sometimes I knew what I wanted to do with the audio, but I couldn’t figure out how to make it happen, especially with the limited resources I possessed. However, I learned early on that many times I would receive absolute clarity on the exact answer to my question in that short time between wakefulness and sleep at night. Over and over, it would happen again and again. I had a question and it would be answered as I was dozing off. The only problem was that many times I would not write anything down, so I had to struggle the next day to try to recall exactly what the answer was!
As I have matured, I have found other ways to bring out the answers to these questions, such as running, or doing any other sort of rather “mindless” activity. It appears that the key is just that — not pressuring yourself into finding an answer — rather, just letting the answer find you. What is it about “mindless” activity, or the period right before we fall asleep, that puts us in a position supremely “primed” to come across answers to such perplexing questions?
In his book Psychocybernetics, author Maxwell Maltz discusses this idea of coming up with answers to questions we cannot answer. He says, “when we set out to find a new idea, or the answer to a problem, we must assume that the answer exists already—somewhere, and set out to find it.” By setting the wheels in motion of assuming that the idea already exists, we enter a place mentally where we are priming the subconscious mind to grab onto it if it happens to pass through sometime in the future.
He goes on to say this: “If you really mean business, have an intense desire, and begin to think intensely about all angles of the problem—your creative mechanism goes to work — and the ‘scanner’ we spoke of earlier begins to scan back through stored information, or ‘grope’ its way to an answer. It selects an idea here, a fact there, a series of former experiences, and relates them—or ‘ties them together’ into a meaningful whole which will ‘fill out’ the incompleted portion of your situation, complete your equation, or ‘solve’ your problem. When this solution is served up to your consciousness—often at an unguarded moment when you are thinking of something else—or perhaps even as a dream while your consciousness is asleep—something ‘clicks’ and you at once ‘recognize’ this as the answer you have been searching for.”
But still, something has to be said about a person’s state of mind when they receive this sort of inspiration. What can be said about a person’s state of mind or consciousness when they get hit with the answer or inspiration? Thomas Edison famously took cat naps so that when dozing off he could find inspiration. I think the key here is what the conscious mind is doing (or not doing). It appears that if the conscious mind is active, it’s too “noisy” to allow the workings of the subconscious to rise to the surface. If we’re consciously concerned about this or worried about that, we are engaging in too much “forebrain” activity.
Maltz discusses this as well in his book, saying, “creative ideas are not consciously thought out by forebrain thinking, but come automatically, spontaneously, and somewhat like a bolt out of the blue, when the conscious mind has let go of the problem and is engaged in thinking of something else. These creative ideas do not come willy nilly without some preliminary conscious thought about the problem. All the evidence points to the conclusion that in order to receive an “inspiration” or a “hunch,” the person must first of all be intensely interested in solving a particular problem, or securing a particular answer. He must think about it consciously, gather all the information he can on the subject, consider all the possible courses of action. And above all, he must have a burning desire to solve the problem. But, after he has defined the problem, sees in his imagination the desired end result, secured all the information and facts that he can, then additional struggling, fretting and worrying over it do not help, but seem to hinder the solution.”
So, in other words, to solve the question that has no answer, here are the keys:
1. Tell yourself with absolute certainty that the answer does exist.
2. Have an intense, burning desire to find the answer.
3. Think about and study the problem intently, from many different angles, for a dedicated amount of time, creating a picture of what the solution would look like in the end.
4. Let it go and wait for it to come back to you.
5. Relax and just enjoy life.
And then maybe…Just maybe…You’ll find that solution to the question which has no answer. 🙂
Have you experienced this yourself? Have you been perplexed by a problem, only to have the answer strike you before sleep or “out of the blue?” I’d love to hear about it! Please share!
Photo source: freedigitalphotos.net
Facebook user? Click the “Like” button below for daily inspiration, and I’ll even throw in an electronic copy of my popular “Antidote” to the mediocre mind as a “thank you!” (And I’ll do a little happy dance when I see you’ve liked my page too) 🙂
I just wanted to let you know that the Kindle version of my book, “Mediocre No More” is available for FREE today (March 27) and tomorrow (March 28). Feel free to pass this along to anyone! You don’t need to have a Kindle to read it. You can read it online on the Kindle Cloud Reader, you can download a program onto your computer to read it, and there are apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android too!
Please click on the image of the book to be taken to Amazon to get your copy today! 🙂
Did you get my FREE Kindle book yet? Click the image of my book cover below to get your free copy March 27 and 28!
Join me for this week’s interview on Monday, March 25 at 12 PM Central!
To listen to the interview, click HERE! I will be welcoming Jeannette Maw to my radio show this week!
For years, I let a doctor’s diagnosis determine the terms of my life. My doctor told me that I suffered from depression. When I heard that, it was as if I had an excuse to “act depressed,” and because I was “acting” as a depressed person would, it had a dramatic impact on my life. I was uninspired, lazy, unmotivated, sad, negative, and just miserable. I felt in many ways powerless over the direction in which my life was heading, and I felt in many ways as if I were destined to continue to live a life being “depressed.”
There are many ways in which we can receive information from a source (or resource) and let it determine our fate. In many ways, when we do this, we “suspend” our creative power, and we limit our potential and greatness. If you like that phrase, “suspend our creative power,” I am glad, and I am equally glad to tell you it’s not mine! It comes from my inspiring guest on my radio show today, Jeannette Maw! 🙂 Today on the show we are going to talk about just that topic — how we suspend our creative power (whether it’s because of the “fate” indicated in an astrology chart, a “diagnosis” from a medical professional, or the like. Jeannette brings so much energy and enthusiasm with her, so I know for sure we’ll feel some “good vibes” coming from her presence on the show!
Jeannette lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with three rescued dogs and cats, is a volunteer foster mom for local animal rescue groups, and enjoys hiking and yoga when she’s not eating chocolate or watching The Good Wife.
I invite you to “play” in Jeannette’s “Law of Attraction Playground” by visiting her main site, which is the Good Vibe Coaching site.
You won’t want to miss today’s show! We will have a great time!
Facebook user? Click the “Like” button below for daily inspiration, and I’ll even throw in an electronic copy of my popular “Antidote” to the mediocre mind as a “thank you!” (And I’ll do a little happy dance when I see you’ve liked my page too) 🙂
One of the great personal discoveries over the past two years is the awesome power of living in the here and now. When you live in the present, and the present alone, you are leaving behind the frustrations of the past and the worries about the future. When you enjoy the power of the moment of “now,” I have found I find a place of gratitude and acceptance so much more readily, and I find so much more enjoyment in what I am doing. There really is no time like the present, and the present really is a gift that we can offer to ourselves, so that we can make the most of our lives each and every day.
I happened across a wonderful website, called “Positively Present” some time ago, and I really enjoyed reading the posts and the overall theme of the website, especially because of this discovery of the power of the present. As I frequently do, after following the site and enjoying it for a while, I make an effort to reach out to the person behind the website, to see if they would be gracious enough to join me for an interview on my radio show. At the end of last year I made it on to the list of the “Top 50 Personal Development Blogs” list, and I saw that Danielle (Dani) DiPirro of Positively Present also made the list. I emailed her with words of congratulations on making the list, and asked her if she would be willing to join me for an interview, and she was kind enough to oblige! I am so excited to have her with me this week on “Positively Empowered Radio,” to talk about her website and her book, as well as providing us with some tips on how we can stay positive when we are struggling to do so. I can’t wait!
Danielle’s website, PositivelyPresent.com, is dedicated to helping others live positively in the present moment. Each week, Danielle provides her readers with fresh ideas and innovative advice for living each and every moment to the fullest.
Since the site’s launch in 2009, PositivelyPresent.com has grown a considerable online following, and Danielle’s work has been featured on sites such as The Happiness Project, Think Simple Now, Psychology Today, and The Washington Post.