Bulletproof – A Strategy for Deflecting Negativity | VictorSchueller.com
By Dr. Victor Schueller | Brain and mind
“Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” ~Albert Einstein
Earlier this week I had one of those days. Have you ever had one of those days — those days where sometimes it seems like you are met with bad news or bad energy from other people? I had one of those days when around every corner there seemed to be negativity, complaining, or just disappointing news. It’s that negativity — that heavy feeling that drains your energy and makes you either doubt yourself, feel bad about something you did, become filled with regret, lose energy, or want to give up. While I knew that positivity and good things were occurring as well, the negative still lurked in the shadows, repeatedly reminding me of its presence.
It’s not easy getting pelted with negativity, complaining or disappointing news. No doubt you have been met with criticism or resistance sometime in your life (some more than others!). It sometimes seems as if people are bent on feeling miserable for whatever reason, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it seem as if they have a problem with people who have a positive disposition or people who are generally happy, and want to bring them down too?
While we may prefer to be liked by everyone, and while we try to reach out and get along with others, unfortunately there are some who don’t have the mental maturity to be at that same point in their life, or their mental mediocrity and ego get in the way. Regardless of the source of negativity, I always remind myself that as long as I am not doing anything to intentionally harm anyone, and as long as I am authentic and true to myself, I don’t have to feel bad or guilty about anything. I’ve come to realize that whenever I am met with negativity or a critical comment, it is a “cry” from the subconscious of that person to have a need met. Usually it’s a fear of something. I ask myself, “What is it that I think the person is fearful about that is resulting in their comment?” Usually the complaints that arise or the negative comments are symptoms of the problem, but not the problem itself.
Criticism and negativity, fortunately, have little to do with us. We are usually just the recipients of misdirected frustration over something. It’s not about us — it’s about the other person, and more particularly the fear and scarcity mentality that resides within them. Their negativity is a result of their internal processing of the world around them, and when they are living their lives feeling they are victims or that people are trying to take things away from them, there is little we can do to convince them that this isn’t the case at all.
However, while this may be true, it still doesn’t remove the “sting” we feel when we are criticized, or the uncomfortable feelings we experience when we are faced with negativity. It’s that negative “energy” that we feel when someone is critical or complaining or negative, which has an effect on our energy levels. Have you ever experienced a situation where you were feeling good about things, and then someone entered the room, and you felt that your energy was sucked right out of you, because of their negativity? I have, and I am sure you have too!
Remember that the thoughts that enter our conscious awareness are just that — thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Thoughts can either carry positive energy or negative energy. It’s obvious that the negative comments are energy. Sometimes the negative thoughts come from external sources, and sometimes those negative thoughts come from internal sources. Sometimes our ego tells us that we aren’t good enough, or that we aren’t worth it, or that we might as well just give up because it won’t be worth it or nobody cares anyway.
We are not our thoughts! We are the observers of our thoughts! We have the power to consciously choose what we believe to be true or not. We have the power to become energized by our thoughts, or to become demoralized and lose energy because of our thoughts. We have the choice.
The next time you are met with negativity, try telling yourself, “It’s only a thought — it’s just negative energy. I don’t have to accept it.” You can also pass that negativity on to the universe. You can say something like, “Universe, I give you to these negative thoughts…I don’t want them.”
You may have to tell yourself this over and over again. It does sting initially, and the negative thoughts keep on coming, believe me. You’ll find that if you’re new to the technique of not accepting the negative thought and energy or passing it along to the universe, the negative thoughts come right back and still viscerally affect you. You still feel awful. However, as you continue to basically say, “Enough already — I don’t want to hear it,” you’ll find that that negative voice becomes smaller and weaker. After some time, you can even start to laugh at how ridiculous it sounds. The negativity starts to become less prominent and less important to you, and the visceral effects of negativity start to wane in time.
Additionally, I have found it helpful to not only denounce the negative thoughts, but to give energy to the positive thoughts that directly oppose them. For example, when the negative thought that you’re not good enough creeps into your mind, tell yourself you are not going to accept it, and then tell yourself that you are indeed good enough. Tell yourself that you are worthy!
It takes time to “bulletproof” yourself from negativity. It takes hard work and determination. You can do it. You are worthy, you are positive, and you are good enough! Don’t give the mentally mediocre the power to suck your positive energy away from you. Hang on to it and let your positivity shine unto others and inspire those around you to adopt positivity as a way of life, day after day.
Remember — As Albert Einstein stated, “Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” That’s very true. You also don’t have to accept what the mediocre minds have to say. Just saying…
Put up your shield, and let your greatness shine! Shine on!
Photo source: freedigitalphotos.net