Category Archives for "Radio Show"

How Do We Eliminate Guilt, Anger, and Depression? |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show

“You’re not going to make changes if you are comfortable with where you are. You only desire to change when you’re irritated with the status quo. The only way to expand and grow is to get uncomfortable. When you get uncomfortable and irritated then you are willing to stretch.” ~Craig Meriwether

Craig Meriwether

I spent a few years of my life in a deep depression.  To be honest, I have a difficult time remembering much from those years.  All I remember is that I felt like life was going on “out there,” but I felt like my head was in a fog.  I didn’t have much perspective of what was coming in the future, and I quickly forgot the events of the past.  I wandered aimlessly, with no direction, motivation, or purpose.  I felt like I was navigating through a labyrinth in the dark, slowly and clumsily navigating through life.  It was a dark and sad time for me.

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Taking in Some Mountain Air |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show

Did you get my book yet?  Grab your copy today!
Click on the book below to get yours! 🙂

mediocre no more cover art



Join me for this week’s interview on Monday, April 29 at 12 PM Central!

To listen to the interview, click HERE! I will be welcoming Holli Kenley to my radio show this week!

Holli Kenley

I always enjoy when I have the opportunity to welcome someone back to my show!  Today, I welcome back Holli Kenley, to talk about her newest book, titled, Mountain Air: Relapsing and Finding the Way Back… One Breath at a Time.  This book is Holli’s personal memoir which details her descent into relapse and her powerful recovering journey.  At the same time, she provides her readers with the tools to resurface from any type of relapse, to reclaim their healing truths, and to breathe in life again…fully and freely.

As Holli writes, ‘Don’t stay too long in the shame-filled grounds of relapse.  Fertile soil awaits your return and your recovering.’

In her book, Holli shares her 5 Healing Steps Out of Relapse:

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Can One Person Change the World? |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show

 Did you get my book yet?  Grab your copy today!
Click on the book below to get yours! 🙂

mediocre no more cover art

Join me for this week’s interview on Monday, April 1 at 12 PM Central!

To listen to the interview, click HERE! I will be welcoming author Sandra Champlain to my radio show this week!

Sandra Champlain

Can one person change the world?  My guest on my radio show today believes so, and she’s going to share why she believes that’s true!  I am thrilled to be welcoming back Sandra Champlain, Author of the book We Don’t Die: A Skeptic’s Discovery of Life After Death to my radio show this week!

I first had Sandra on my show earlier this year, and because the interview went so well, and because her book covered so many different topics, I asked her to come back so we could talk about some more things.  I was so happy that she obliged!

As I had mentioned, Sandra is the author of the book We Don’t Die – A Skeptic’s Discovery of Life After Death. She recorded the free audio “How to Survive Grief” which has now been heard by almost 3000 people in 15 countries. She is also a chef and travels the United States and Canada feeding race car teams and she owns a 21 year old business in Connecticut – Kent Coffee and Chocolate Company.

Her book is a great read, because, I believe, as opposed to what the name suggests, the book is not all about death.  I learned a lot about life!  Within the pages of the book is a story of greatness that we all possess, wonderful powers and abilities many of us can’t even begin to appreciate (until we try) and so many wonderful and free helpful resources sprinkled in throughout this awesome book!

Today we’re going to discuss the concept of one person changing the world, and whether it’s possible.  I am looking forward to hearing her take on the subject!  I want you to have a front row seat to her opinion, so listen in today at 12 PM Central!  As always, if you can’t listen live, you can still click on the microphone below, and listen to an archive of our talk!

Facebook user? Click the “Like” button below for daily inspiration, and I’ll even throw in an electronic copy of my popular “Antidote” to the mediocre mind as a “thank you!” (And I’ll do a little happy dance when I see you’ve liked my page too) 🙂


Why a Big Dög Never Gets Bullied |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show

Join me for this week’s interview on Monday, March 18 at 12 PM Central!

To listen to the interview, click HERE! I will be welcoming Faisal Khattak, a.k.a. Big Dög, to my radio show this week!

Faisal Khattak

Bullying is one of those subjects I don’t talk much about, but one that I hold nearly and dearly to my heart.  In my personal opinion,  a lot of the problems we face as an adult stem from either being a victim of bullying or being allowed to exhibit behaviors consistent with bullying without being stopped.  Whenever I can have an honest conversation about bullying, I am all for it, and whenever I can talk to someone about stopping bullying at a young age, I am all in!

That’s why I am so thrilled to be welcoming Faisal Khattak to my show this week.  I can’t wait for you to get a chance to hear what he has to say.  One of the things I like best about his message is that he really helps young people become “Big Dögs” and empower themselves to avoid becoming a victim of bullying.  If more people can learn what Faisal is teaching, we’ll have a lot fewer people on this earth who try to resort to behaviors consistent with bullying, and we’ll have many more empowered (and happy and healthy) adults too!

Faisal is a dynamic Anti-bullying Speaker and Certified Anti-Bullying Coach. He is an alumni of Baron Mastery Authentic Speakers Academy for Leadership. He is also Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a Certified Hypnotherapist, and the author of the upcoming book entitled “The Bully Mind”.

As a victim of childhood bullying himself, Faisal wants to put a stop to bullying once and for all and help those kids who feel the same way he did as a child in Pakistan when he was bullied and molested at age five. He lost his confidence and voice. And he desperately wished he had someone to talk to. But there was no one to help and he continued to be bullied all through his school years.

Faisal wants to be the voice for all those kids who are raped and teased every day. He feels strongly that no child has to feel helpless and alone. He learned the hard way how important it is to build bridges and repair any gaps or disconnects in communication between parents and their children and now he is actively helping families faced with bullying.

Faisal lives with his wife and two young daughters in New Westminster, British Columbia. He previously lived in Oklahoma where he studied computer science and opened and operated several successful small businesses.

To find out more about Faisal and the great things he has to offer this world, please visit his website,

Please join me for our discussion about a very important topic!  You won’t want to miss it!



A Visit With Vidya |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show

Facebook user? Click the “Like” button below and get my newest publication, “Unlock Your Inner Awesome Today” for free!  That’s it!



Join me for this week’s interview on Monday, March 11 at 12 PM Central!

To listen to the interview, click HERE! I will be welcoming Vidya Sury to my radio show this week!

Vidya Sury

Over the past year, I have had the pleasure of building a friendship a half-world away with Vidya Sury.  We are fellow bloggers, and I have learned so much about what it means to have a giving heart, a generous soul, and a love that transcends the computer screen and passes directly into someone’s heart.  Vidya is such a wonderful friend — so full of love and support for so many people.  One thing that frustrates me about Vidya is that she cooks all these delicious dishes and then puts pictures of them on her blog (it’s pure torture, because I love to eat). 🙂  I know that someday I will have the opportunity to sit down and actually eat one of these meals, and I have no doubt it will taste better than I can imagine.

I am so delighted that Vidya has agreed to join me on my radio show this week!  Like many of my blogging friends, I know about them through the words they type, but I haven’t talked to them.  I am looking forward to the opportunity for us to connect by voice, and share some thoughts and a bit more about Vidya!

Vidya is a full-time work at home Mom, Freelance Writer and professional Blogger. She also works with an independent ethics committee that reviews protocols for human clinical trials.

She writes about a variety of topics and manages three blogs at Going A-Musing, Collecting Smiles, at, Your Medical Guide, a health blog at and shares memories of her Mother at Coffee With Mi at

Vidya aims to finish her first book, The Complete Health Guide for Women this year. She loves photography and Do-It-Yourself projects, and believes everything must be tried once. Happiness is her favorite DIY project.

I know you’ll enjoy Vidya as much as I have, and I hope that you grab a seat and listen to our conversation!  I can’t wait! 🙂




Let’s talk about self love and body love! |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems


“Wear self love like a blanket of comfy cashmere” ~Anne-Sophie Reinhardt

Join me for this week’s interview on Monday, February 18 at 12 PM Central!

To listen to the interview, click HERE! I will be welcoming Anne-Sophie Reinhardt to my radio show this week!

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt

We just celebrated Valentine’s Day last week.  For most people, the celebration of the day is our love for others, which is so appropriate.  So many times, we take other people, especially the people we’re closest to, for granted.  We don’t take the time to let them know on a regular basis how much we truly and deeply love them.  While every day could be Valentine’s Day, in reality it isn’t.

Don’t we sometimes take ourselves for granted too?  Don’t we forget to tell ourselves how much we love ourselves?  We often times are so good at reminding ourselves of our faults and shortcomings, and we ignore the good in who we are.  Or, sometimes we feel that to tell ourselves how much we love ourselves we are being egotistical or narcissistic.

The reality is that we don’t give ourselves as much credit as we deserve, and we sell ourselves short.  We tell ourselves that we are not deserving of heaps of love for ourselves, because if we feel we are deserving, there must be something wrong with us or we have some “unmet need” lurking out there somewhere.  We neglect to offer ourselves some “self love,” and we suffer as a result.  Ultimately, so many of our problems originate from self-image issues.

I am happy to say that today I am a healthy person; I am preparing for my first ever marathon!  I just ran six miles yesterday, and I have run more in the past couple of weeks than I had in a week in a long time, and it feels great.  It wasn’t always that way.  I used to weigh 250 pounds.  I was lazy, miserable, and unhealthy.  Life was not as enjoyable back then.  I certainly lacked self love and body love, and my suffering was tremendously great.

Having run the gamut, so to speak, of various levels of self love and body love, it provides me with an awesome perspective on how hard and how wonderful life can really be!  I am so thrilled to welcome Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on to my radio show this week, because I know she offers such wonderful insight, perspective, and expertise on self love and body love, and I can’t wait to talk to her about it!

I came to know Anne-Sophie through a guest post on my friend Jodi Chapman’s blog last fall.  I loved her message and visited her website.  Since then, our paths have crossed across the “virtual landscape” a couple of times!  We must have been destined to speak on my show! 🙂  I am thrilled to have her!

Anne-Sophie is an anorexia survivor, body image expert, self-love advocate and the author of The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Body Image. Join her newsletter and receive your free 3-part video series empowering you to madly fall in love with yourself.  If you haven’t already checked out her website, I highly recommend it!

Anne-Sophie has a book, which you can find on Amazon, titled The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Body Image, and she is active on Facebook and Twitter as well, where she has already won the hearts of so many.  I personally welcome you to join the large community of people already following Anne-Sophie on her wonderful journey by following her!

I can’t wait for our talk today, and I would really like it if you listened in as well!  We’ll see you there!

Don’t miss the interview!



Manifesting Adventure, Luxury, and Vibrance! |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show

Facebook user? Click the “Like” button below and get my newest publication, “Unlock Your Inner Awesome Today” for free!  That’s it!

“You’ve gotta get out there and do things that make you feel good! Cause when your vibing at a high frequency, guess what manifests quicker and easier into your life? Your desires!” ~Elise McDowell

Join me for this week’s interview on Monday, February 11 at 12 PM Central!

To listen to this week’s interview, click HERE! I will be welcoming Elise McDowell to my radio show this week!

Elise McDowell

I’ve been conducting interviews and meeting enough people to know when I am having a conversation with a very wise and insightful person.  When I had the opportunity to speak to Elise, who is about half a world away from me, I could tell I was talking to a very wise young woman who has a lot to offer!  As I began my conversation with Elise, I shared with her that I couldn’t recall how I found her within the blogosphere and on the web, but whatever it was I knew that I was instantly attracted to her message and energy, and I knew I had to get her on my show to share the wonderful things she is doing.  I was so pleased when I finally had the opportunity to interview her, because I did realize she does have a lot to offer all of us, and I believe she is a star in the making.

We had our interview set up for a few months, so neither of us really could have predicted that this interview came along at a wonderful time for Elise.  She had just embarked on a new direction for her site and her work, integrating her previous “Inner Vibrance Project” work within her new look and theme, which is based on the concept of “manifesting.”  Elise specifically talks about manifesting three things: adventure, luxury, and vibrance.  I asked her specifically why she picked those three areas, and I was blown away by her response.  I won’t give it away — you’ll have to listen to the interview to find out why I was so moved by her answer to that question.

If you don’t know about Elise, I would like you to get to know her.  She’s a wonderful young woman who stands to offer the world some wonderful wisdom and guidance.  She describes herself as a “kick-ass manifesting coach who helps energize women to create adventure, luxury and vibrance in their lives.” If you want tolearn to allow more freedom, time and abundance into your life make sure you get on over to her site and sign up for her free manifesting guide ‘Rapid Manifesting: A Mini Guide To Getting Everything You Want‘.  I had a chance to check it out myself, and you can just feel her energy radiating from the pages!  It’s a great guide — so go get it for free!

Elise also has a Facebook page that is gaining momentum.  I’d like you to stop over and check it out, and please help her out by giving her a “Like” too!  I think you will really like what you see from Elise!

Because of the time zone difference (she is already into tomorrow compared to me), we arranged an interview ahead of broadcast time.  I will be airing the interview live at my usual time, and I hope you take the opportunity to hear the wonderful things I learned from this bright star.  Grab a seat and listen in.  You won’t be disappointed! 🙂

Don’t miss the interview!


Let’s Talk Vera Claritas today! |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show

Facebook user? Click the “Like” button below and get my newest publication, “Unlock Your Inner Awesome Today” for free!  That’s it!


Join me for this week’s interview on Monday, 28 at 12 PM Central!

To listen to this week’s interview, click HERE!

I will be welcoming to my radio show Kenneth Vogt of Vera Claritas to my radio show this week!

Kenneth Vogt

It’s a small world, and you never know who you’re going to meet online through mutual channels.  Kenneth and I currently live pretty far away from each other, geographically, but at one time we didn’t live too far from each other.  Kenneth is a former Wisconsin resident (born and raised here), residing within a couple hours’ drive from where I currently live!  It’s going to be wonderful talking with a fellow Mid-Westerner, although I am venturing to guess that he’ll be speaking to me from a warmer climate than mine. 🙂  Nevertheless, I am delighted to introduce you to Kenneth, so you can hear what he has to say about what he does!

Who is Kenneth Vogt?  He is a man who has “been there, done that.” He had a stodgy title at a traditional company (controller for a manufacturer), a sexy title at a splashy company (Principal Solutions Architect for a fabulously successful dot com), but mostly he has been an entrepreneur for over 30 years. Kenneth created one of the first e-commerce web sites for a Fortune 500 company way back in 1997 and he has rode the internet ever since. Having worked in entrepreneurial enterprises large and small, he is uniquely qualified to provide clarity about what it takes to create, run and even recreate life-sustaining businesses.

Kenneth has lived and worked all over the US, Europe, and most recently Mexico, where he currently resides with his family. He speaks several languages poorly (Spanish, Hindi, Punjabi) and English quite well.
Don’t forget to check out Kenneth’s website,, and get a free clarity guide!
We’re going to talk about what “Vera Claritas” means, as well as talk about something called, “life-sustaining entrepreneurship.”  I am predicting a very engaging and informative conversation today!  I invite you to listen in on our conversation! 

Don’t miss the interview!



A Talk With the Zen Mama |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show

Facebook user? Click the “Like” button below and get my newest publication, “Unlock Your Inner Awesome Today” for free!  That’s it!

Join me for this week’s interview on Monday, 21 at 12 PM Central!

To listen to this week’s interview, click HERE!

I will be welcoming to my radio show Betsy Henry, the “Zen Mama,” and Author of the book Zen Tips – Daily Meditations for Happiness and Fulfillment from The Zen Mama to my radio show this week!

Betsy Henry

It’s funny how things go with online networks, especially when you are new to a certain “area,” and you are learning who people are and building community with those who do what you do online.  I had been following a Facebook profile called “Zen Mama” for quite some time, and I also frequented the Zen Mama website, because I enjoyed reading the inspirational posts and quotes.  Last year, I came across an article from the “Zen Mama” about the concept of the “monkey mind,” and I shared a link to it on my blog.  Betsy was kind enough to notice that the article’s link was shared, and she contacted me to let me know she appreciated the mention.  The next thing you know, we are talking about having her join me on my radio show!

We talked, and did the interview, and then shortly after that, as I started to get to know more and more bloggers, we crossed paths again through mutual association, because we both had mutual blogging friends who knew each other.  It’s funny how “small” the “world” can be sometimes!

I am delighted to have Betsy join me again on my radio show to talk about her most recent book, titled Zen Tips – Daily Meditations for Happiness and Fulfillment from The Zen Mama.


This book is a great starting point for someone who knows that their life isn’t quite where they know they want it to be, but perhaps they don’t know where to turn or where to start.  As Betsy shares in her book description on, “This daily meditation book is filled with inspirational quotes, beautiful photography and an “I AM” affirmation on each page to help you become a better person. Start your day with this book. Imagine a hope, dream or future you want and turn to a page that will answer that thought. Or just read from the beginning to end. Incorporate these meditations with your daily breathing, yoga or a cup of tea or coffee. Savor each page and let it set the tone for the day. A great book for everyone – parents, grandparents, graduates and students of life!”

Betsy is the author of three books: Zen Tips – Daily Meditations for Happiness and Fulfillment from The Zen Mama, How to Be A Zen Mama and The Zen Mama’s Book of Quotes.  Her books are available two ways.  You can visit her bookstore, right on the Zen Mama site, or you can find her books on Amazon.  If you like e-books, and prefer to go that route, you can get a copy of Betsy’s books by visiting her e-book site.

The Zen Mama has quite a following on social media sites, and you can also become one of her many followers!

You can follow Zen Mama on twitter @thezenmama, as well as on Facebook!

I invite you to listen to my conversation with Betsy! 

Don’t miss the interview!


