Category Archives for "Radio Show"

Are You Ready to Step beyond Your Fears Today? Drop in and Listen to My Interview with Tess Marshall Today! |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show



You are invited to take a seat and join me for my radio show on Monday, October 1 at 12:30 PM Central!

You can listen to the interview by clicking HERE

My guest will be Tess Marshall of “The Bold Life.”

Sometimes we let fear get between us and our dreams.  Sometimes we know what we want to do, but we aren’t bold enough to step forward and go for it.  I think anyone can relate to letting our fears get the best of us, and it’s very frustrating when we know where we want to be, but we are to afraid to go after what we want.

I am so delighted to have Tess Marshall join me for my radio show today, to talk about living a more “bold life” and going after what your heart desires!  Tess is a fear-shattering, risk taker, author, and courage coach with a master’s degree in counseling psychology.  She has a wonderful website and blog called, “The Bold Life – Inspiration for Fearless Living,” and it’s a fantastic place to go for inspiration, strength, and discovering the courage that resides within!

On her website, Tess shares, “I believe we’re here on planet earth to grow in kindness and love. In order to do so we need to let go of fear and take bold action.  Doing so will impact every area of your life in a positive way.”  I completely agree!

If you’re interested in learning more about Tess, I invite you to visit her site, The Bold Life, where’ you’ll find seemingly endless inspiration.  While you’re there, check out her books and e-Course, “Take This Fear and Shove It: Be Bold, Play Big, and Shine Bright.”  It’s a fantastic course, if you’re interested in overcoming your fear and going after your dreams!

I am looking forward to our discussion, and I invite you to grab a seat and listen today as we talk about living bold and overcoming fear on “Positively Empowered Radio!”  We’ll see you today at 12 PM Central! 🙂

Don’t miss the interview!




Are You Ready to “Come Back to Life?” Don’t Miss This Interview! | VictorSchueller.Com

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

Ready to “come back to life?” You are invited to take a seat and join me for my radio show on Monday, September 17 at 12 PM Central!

My guest will be Jodi Chapman, Creator of the “Coming Back to Life” e-Course!


Click below to listen to the interview!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Are you tired of feeling numb and disconnected?  Are you ready to “wake up” and start living fully?

If you’re ready to come back to life, I have a wonderful interview to share with you that may be your ticket to guiding you back to your soul to help you reconnect with how it feels to be truly alive!

I’ve gotten to know Jodi Chapman over this past year, and I have been asking her to join me on my show for a few months, so I was thrilled when she agreed to join me this week!  Jodi is in the process of preparing to unveil her new program, called “Coming Back to Life,” and I wanted her to share her story and details of the program with listeners, so that she can get the message out there to those who need it!

Jodi describes herself as being “passionate about helping each of us listen to and be guided by our soul.” But, as she explains, her life wasn’t always so overtly spiritual. She spent most of my life in the left side of her brain – focusing on logic, proof, and anything black and white. After receiving a degree in Technical Editing and Sociology with plans to become a statistician, she spent several years working for a publication that focused on debunking spiritual/mystic claims and several more working as a technical editor.  However, she just didn’t feel fulfilled.

In October of 2010, she experienced a spiritual awakening. (The complete story is detailed in her upcoming book, Coming Back to Life: How An Unlikely Friend Helped Me Reclaim My True Spirit.) Because of this, she slowly began to open up to the miracles that had always been all around her. And in doing so, her entire life changed – it became brighter and filled with love. She now knows that we are never alone, we are always taken care of, and all of the answers – every single thing we need to know about our time here on Earth – have always been inside of us.

I can verifiably say that if you are looking for someone to help get you “off the floor” and come “back to life,” Jodi is the one you want to have as a guide through the process.  I am blessed and honored to know her, and I am so excited to have her join me on my radio show this week to talk about her course!

The “Coming Back to Life” e-Course is a six-week journey that begins on October 1. It is a helping hand, a set of tools, and a community all wrapped up into one loving course to support you when you are feeling numb and unsure of which way to go. Itt’s packed with TONS of goodies to help you reconnect and feel alive again.

If you have ever felt disconnected from life – from your soul – this course is for you. If you’ve ever felt your light dim, this is for you. If you know that there is more to life than simply getting through the day, but you aren’t sure how to take the step forward out of the darkness, this is for you. If you are ready to plug back into this magical universe, reconnect with your soul, and open your heart again, this course is for you. If you are no longer willing to just “get by” and sleepwalk through your day, this is for you. If you are ready – truly ready – to start living fully – this course is definitely for you!

When you register for Jodi’s e-Course, you’ll receive instant access to over $150 in amazing bonus gifts—including books, affirmations, meditations, and more!

If you’re ready to:

♥ live fully and love fully.
♥ take responsibility for your life.
♥ push past your fears & reach your dreams.
♥ forgive, let go, and move forward.
♥ see the world with childlike wonder.
♥ reconnect with your soul.
♥ believe in miracles again.
♥ open up to this amazing universe.
♥ join a community of loving souls.
♥ be completely authentic and vulnerable (in a good way).
♥ join a course that comes from the heart and soul.
♥ come back to life.

…then this course is for you!

What you’ll receive:

♥ Over 150 pages of love – including weekly lessons + soulful activities. This is where you get to show up for yourself. This is where you get to reconnect with your soul and discover who you are deep down at your wisest, most loving core.

♥ Heartfelt Videos. Each week includes at least three videos – one from Jodi sharing that week’s message, one from an inspirational soul sharing their story, and one designed to teach, inspire, and offer concrete tools that you can apply to your own life.

♥ Guided Meditations. Each week contains a guided meditation that is specific to that week’s message. They are grounding and calming.

♥ Beautiful offerings from over 30 friends who are also on this journey of self discovery. Each week is filled with heartfelt messages from inspirational messengers who are on similar journeys and are brave enough to share their experiences with you. Whether they share their stories through video, audio, artwork, or writing – they all serve the same purpose: to help lift you up and see that you are not alone. We have all experienced the darkness, and we have all opened up to the light.

♥ A private Facebook community. In this community, we can all join to support each other on our journeys, ask questions, and share our experiences. This community will be available to you even after the course ends.

♥ Weekly chat sessions. This will be a space where we can go deeper into the material, truly support each other at the soul level, and really create a tribe filled with love and nurturing energy.

♥ Jodi’s guidance/story. Each week includes Jodi’s story and experiences and what she has learned along the way. She hopes that you can learn from some of her mistakes and also feel inspired to know that you’re not alone in feeling disconnected. She’s been there, too.

♥ Soul Art. Jodi has designed printable posters to go with each week’s message. Perfect for hanging up around your sacred space and filling your soul with love each time you see it!

♥ Surprises. Who doesn’t love surprises? Jodi has a few fun things up her sleeve that she’ll be sprinkling throughout the course – gifts of love that she can’t wait to share with you!

♥ Bonus gifts. When you register for this course, you’ll receive instant access to over $150 in amazing bonus gifts—including books, affirmations, meditations, and more!

Here are the weekly topics:

♥ Week 1: Starting Where You Are

In Week 1, we spend some time exploring where we are starting from. We pat ourselves on the back for being brave enough to begin such a powerful, life-changing journey. And we clear the way for lasting transformation to take place.

♥ Week 2: Getting Real

In Week 2, we recognize the importance of pure authenticity when reconnecting with our soul. We stand strong in who we have become, and we honor our past – while at the same time, we recognize that our present moment can be anything we want it to be. We can be anyone we want to be. And that’s so powerful.

♥ Week 3: Letting Go

In Week 3, we spend a lot of time healing, forgiving, and letting go. We leave behind anything that no longer serves us – anything that will hinder us from soaring toward our dreams and reconnecting with our soul.

♥ Week 4: Opening Up

In Week 4, we open up to the spiritual, magical world that has always been around us. We look for signs. We tap into our own intuition. We practice being still. We embrace the feeling of being completely open to it all.

♥ Week 5: At the Heart of it All

In Week 5, we drop into our core and recognize that we are all love. We honor the love within ourselves, and we embrace the love in others. We rejoice that we are no longer alone. We are completely surrounded by love.

♥ Week 6: Leaping and Dreaming

In Week 6, we push past our comfort zones and fully embrace faith. We leap with abandon toward our dreams. We listen to our soul’s desire, and rather than question what it is asking us to do, we just do it!

When you register, you’ll receive over $150 in bonus gifts that you can download immediately!

We all have a light inside of us that shines so brightly, and this beautiful ecourse will help you remove some of the veils that have been covering your light. Isn’t it time you allowed yourself to shine? To live fully? To feel completely alive? Isn’t it time for each of us to allow ourselves to have that?

If your Soul is jumping up and down saying YES, YES, YES…

Then, register by clicking the banner below:

I am so thrilled to speak with Jodi about this wonderful course!  Don’t miss this three-part interview!  It’s going to be fantastic!  Grab your seat now!

Don’t miss the interview!

Please note: As an affiliate for this e-Course, a percentage of any sales will go toward vanquishing the mental mediocrity of people around the world. 🙂

A Book Giveaway and an Awesome Interview with…Jeff Goins! |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show


You are invited to take a seat and join me for a book giveaway and great interview on my radio show on Monday, September 10 at 12 PM Central!

Click here to listen!

My guest will be Jeff Goins, Author of Wrecked

I am so happy to have Jeff Goins join me for an interview on my radio show!  Jeff is a pretty remarkable guy, who knows how to reach his readers.  In about a year’s time, Jeff was able to grow his blog ‘Goins: Writer’ from almost nothing to getting thousands of readers daily.  As someone who blogs regularly, I can tell you that it takes someone special to accomplish such a feat.  It’s truly remarkable.  On Jeff’s Twitter page, we describes himself as a “Writer & Difference Maker.”  It is so true, as he has provided inspiration to countless people, encouraging them to write “for love of the craft, not accolades or acclaim.”

During our discussion, we will talk about Jeff’s new book, titled Wrecked.

We’ll be doing a book giveaway during the interview, so make sure you listen into find out how you can get Jeff’s book!

To find out more about Jeff, visit my Weekly Spotlight page!

Don’t miss the interview!


Grab a Seat for Some Metaphysical Healing Today! |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show

You are invited to take a seat and join me for my radio show on Monday, August 27 at 12 PM Central!

Click here to listen!

My guest will be Vipin Mehta, Author of the Global Healing  books

I was so enthralled during my first interview with Vipin that I wanted to have him on again to talk more about metaphysics.  He was kind enough to oblige, and so now we have another interview to share!  This time, our discussions revolved around the topic of healing through the use of metaphysics.  This three-part interview will blow you away!

Vipin Mehta, P.E., M.A.P.A. was born in India and raised in Mumbai during the Independence Movement inspired through Mahatma Gandhi’s principles of non-violence.  Shortly after migrating to the United States in 1969 with only a few dollars to his name, Vipin became a licensed Professional Engineer and established MEHTA Engineering, which has since evolved into a 30-year engineering and construction management firm for roads, bridges, airports, and other infrastructure related projects.  After arriving to the U.S., Vipin also received a Masters in Public Affairs from Northern Illinois University and has since played a very active role in local, state and national politics and has been addressed as the Metaphysical and Spiritual Counselor to many politicians – both Democrat and Republican.

Vipin has pursued Metaphysical and Spiritual learning by Spiritual Masters and Mystics from all over the world.  His interest in Metaphysics began in 1947, where he first learned from Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings.  Other Spiritual Masters include the Indian mystics J. Krishnamurti, Rabindranath Tagore (Nobel Prize winner in 1912) and Rajneesh/Osho along with western spiritualists Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, and other modern mystics. Vipin has studied many Metaphysical and Spiritual scriptures including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zen, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sufi and others through which he taught “Religion of Man” and other courses at local Colleges and gave lectures on Metaphysics across the U.S. and India.

Vipin now lives in Orlando, Florida with his wife Hansa and has two children Ravé and Radha.

I will be broadcasting part one of our interview on metaphysical healing on “Positively Empowered Radio.”  Grab your seat and listen to what promises to be a fascinating discussion!

Eating Frog Legs, 21 Days at a Time |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Brain and mind

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” ~Mark Twain

Have you ever been told to “eat that frog” every day?  Have you ever tried it?  Has it helped you?  I know I have tried “eating the frog” myself, and it does work well.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept, the idea of “eating a frog” everyday is intended to assist people with overcoming procrastination.  The basic premise is that if you are staring at your “to do” list for the day, and you see that one big item that looms large, because either it will be unpleasant, or uncomfortable to complete, then it’s easy to just put it off until the next day, because all of the other items on the list seem manageable, more comfortable, and just plain easier by comparison.  It gets so tempting to continue to put off that one big item, and push it to the next day, until you eventually give up or forget about it.

The suggestion is to make that large, uncomfortable and undesirable item your “frog.”  If you just eat that “frog,” then you’ve gotten the unpleasant task out of the way, and the hope is that you feel much better because you finally ate the “frog” and it’s not staring at you any longer.

Well, I had the pleasure of interviewing David Singer today, who is the author of the book Six Simple Rules for a Better Life.  Our conversation started off with the discussion of why New Year’s resolutions don’t work.  As David explained, most of the time our resolutions don’t pan out because the resolution is too large.  We discussed how we can take a lofty goal, like losing fifty pounds of weight, and break it down into manageable pieces, twenty-one days at a time, to develop habits that lead to lasting change.

That got me thinking about that “frog” that we feel we must “eat” to avoid procrastination.  What if that “frog” is something that looms large beyond one day?  What if that “frog” is a lifestyle, physical, or emotional change that requires more than just “checking” it off the list?  You can’t say, “Today I’m going to lose fifty pounds.  Boom.  Done.  Next!”  It’s not possible.

But, after my conversation with David, I shared with him the idea of taking those ultra-large “frogs” and breaking them down into “digestible” pieces that can be eaten, little by little, every day.  How about eating a frog “leg” every day for twenty-one days?  How about making a habit out of walking for five minutes, as David suggested in the interview, every day?  Then, over the next twenty-one days, you eat the “frog’s” other “leg,” and walk for ten minutes a day.  By continually eating frog “pieces,” twenty-one days at a time, we can accomplish great things.

Is there an ultra-large frog that looms large for you?  Are you thinking about the weight you have to lose, or your negative attitude, or the complaining that you engage in on a daily basis?  Are these “frogs” items that can’t be placed on a checklist, because they require daily discipline and practice?

Perhaps, as David suggests, you can start breaking that “frog” into small pieces, day by day, twenty one days at a time.  Perhaps then, the “frog” won’t taste so bad, and perhaps it won’t be so intimidating after all!

What is your “frog?”  How can you break it apart?  If you’re looking for ideas, don’t hesitate to check out David’s book.  He has some great recommendations!

Today’s your day!  Grab a frog leg, and start eating — twenty one days at a time!  You can do it!  You just have to start!  Don’t worry — I hear frog legs taste great with ketchup! 🙂


Photo source:

Today’s Guest: “Alpha Chick” Mal Duane! |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Radio Show

You are invited to take a seat and join me for my radio show on Monday, August 13 at 12 PM Central!

Click here to listen!

My guest will be Mal Duane, Author of Alpha Chick: Five Steps for Moving from Pain to Power

If you’re looking for a guide to happiness, success, and fulfillment, or you’re looking for a “magic formula” for transforming your life, then you’re going to want to listen to my interview with an “Alpha Chick!  Mal Duane CRC is an Alpha Chick extraordinaire. She built a multimillion dollar real estate company from scratch, has a dream marriage, and, as a certified Professional Life and Recovery Coach, is deeply involved with helping women discover and use their connection with the divine power within, to become their own version of an Alpha Chick.

Alpha Chick: Five Steps for Moving from Pain to Power is more than just a roadmap to happiness, success, and fulfillment. It is a model for any woman who dreams of having those things. It clearly guides you step-by-step in the process of becoming your own unique brand of Alpha Chick and sets you on your own path to being the sizzling, empowered woman you are meant to be. Follow Mal’s poignant journey from heartache and addiction, to self-worth and freedom, and learn her simple 5-step formula for transformation:

F ocus
A cceptance and Attitude
I dentification and Intention
T houghts
H ealing and Helping

Don’t miss the interview!

Grab a Seat for Today’s Radio Show with Guest Melody Fletcher! | VictorSchueller.Com

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

You are invited to take a seat and join me for my radio show today at 12 PM Central!

Click here to listen!

My guest will be Melody Fletcher, Law of Attraction Expert of

In previous weeks, I have been talking with guests about the concept of asking the “universe” or a higher, collective “wisdom” for help in turning your wishes or requests into reality.  When you are in tune with your true, authentic self, and when you use your intuition, you find that things start to happen in a way that makes your wishes and requests come true!  This is known as the “Law of Attraction,” but I am not an expert when it comes to this concept.  That’s why I am so thrilled to have Melody Fletcher as my guest on “Positively Empowered Radio!”

Melody is an expert in the Law of Attraction, who doesn’t believe that spirituality or personal development have to be so damn serious all the time.  She helps people to finally make some freaking sense of LOA, and to remember who they really are, so they can annoy their friends and co-workers with their new-found happiness.

To find out more about Melody, visit my Weekly Spotlight page!

Don’t miss the interview!


Don’t miss today’s show! Guest – Dr. Karen Sherman at 12 PM Central! |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Brain and mind

You are invited to join me for my radio show on Monday, July 16 at 12 PM Central!

Click here to listen!

My guest on July 16 at 12 PM Central will be Dr. Karen Sherman.

Karen and I are going to discuss how our automatic programming affects our behaviors, and why we are reluctant to change and adopt new beliefs and behaviors.  I can’t wait!

Dr. Karen Sherman, a licensed psychologist in New York, has been in private practice 25 years. Her focus is relationships/marriage and helping people achieve their greatest potential.

Karen is the author of “Mindfulness and The Art of Choice: Transform Your Life” which enables people to let go of conditioned responses and empower them to make their own choices; the co-author of “Marriage Magic! Find It, Keep It, and Make It Last;” and a contributor to “Your Mental Health Questions Answered,” “The Complete Marriage Counselor,” “Power of Persistence,” “Recovering the Self, Vol. 2, #3,” and “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol. 2.”

To find out more about Karen, visit my Weekly Spotlight page!

Don’t miss the interview!

A FREE offer extended to you, and I want to make sure you take advantage!

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Brain and mind

You should follow Victor on Facebook!

On Monday, July 9, I had the pleasure of talking with Michael Luckman, author of the book Overpowering Fear.  It was a great interview, and I will be sharing links with you so you can listen to the interview if you wish.  However, I wanted to make sure I pass along the very generous offer that Michael extended to my followers (or anyone else who listens to the interview or reads this).

Each Monday evening, Michael does a teleseminar for his Inner Circle group.  To subscribe to this group, you would pay $1000 per year.  However, Michael was generous enough to offer anyone the opportunity to join the teleseminars broadcast to this group from now until the end of this 2012 year!  This is roughly a $500 offer…Extended to you for FREE!

It’s really easy to become a listener…Just send an email to Michael at:  Just provide your name, and you will get an email back with the call-in information for the seminars, which are anywhere between 60 and 90 minutes each!

To listen to the full interview with Michael, click HERE for part one, and click HERE for part two!

Thanks for listening!  Now go take advantage of this great offer! 🙂

Don’t miss it! Today’s Radio Show Guest – Diane Wing |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Brain and mind

Tune in on today at 12 PM Central for Positively Empowered Radio!

Click here to listen!

My guest on July 2 at 12 PM Central will be Diane Wing.

There is a time and a season for everything, and it’s so true with Diane, who I am featuring this week on my Weekly Spotlight.  Six months ago, I was not asking the questions of myself and wondering about the topics that I am so excited to discuss with Diane!  Now I am so hungry to learn!  I am looking forward to our engaging conversation!

As Diane so eloquently explains, “People, animals, situations, objects, and environments contain and give off energy.  To discover how to observe, interpret, and direct this abundant energy is to harness the power at our fingertips. By understanding and being consciously aware of the energy around you is to enhance your intuition, manifest your desires, and remove the drama from your life.”

We are going to discuss just that this week on my radio show!  We’re going to discuss how we feel energy, what a vibrational frequency is, why it’s important to know where you are vibrating, and how drama, guilt, and fear lower your vibrational frequency.  I can’t wait!

To find out more about Diane, visit my Weekly Spotlight page!

Don’t miss the interview!
