How to Prevent Giving Your Power to Someone Else |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

Powerful people.  People of power.  Both the same, or different?

I guess it depends on your point of view and what you have come to learn about what power is.  For me, personally, there is a huge difference between powerful people and people of power.  And it all has to do with what the person does with the power and how they use the power they have.

Here’s where perception makes all the difference, because here’s the thing — when you are in the presence of a powerful person or a person of power, where does your power go?  Does it suddenly evaporate?

Yes, you do have power too, but you may be allowing yourself to allow it to disappear faster than a piece of steak dropped on the floor in front of a dog.

Why is it that we give our power to other people?  More importantly, how can we keep our own power and not give it to someone else?

Power is all about perception, as I easily pointed out above, when I showed you how power (or at least the perception of your power) vanished in a flash.  The truth is that power is not a physical entity.  It’s just energy.  Furthermore, power really doesn’t appear or disappear.  Instead, think of power as a transferrable entity.  It is transferrable energy.  It can be easily passed from another person to you, or you can pass it on to another person.

So clearly this is all about your perception of your worthiness to hang on to your own power without transferring it to someone else.  Are you worth anything in your own estimation?  Do you have value?  Of course you do, so own your power!  You deserve to have power, and it’s yours to keep, not to give away to anyone else.

Now, back to the idea of a potential difference between a powerful person versus a person of power.  It all has to do with what they do with the power they have.  But, where does the power come from?

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll answer that question easily: they don’t “have” the power bestowed upon them.  Power is transferred to them by the people who allow it to be transferred from themselves to the person who possesses the power.

This clearly establishes a point that I want you to remember forever and ever, and that is this:

The only power that a person has over you is the power you give them permission to have over you.

If you can keep your power, you possess the power.  If you allow yourself to give away your power to them, you’ve just lost it because you’ve transferred it to them.

A powerful person needs power.  Without power, they are nothing.  And, they know it.  When someone needs something desperately, and they feel they only have a limited supply and they aren’t certain they’ll get any more, what do they fear more than anything?

They fear that they’ll lose it.

When someone fears that they’ll lose their power, they’ll do anything to make sure they keep it.  The most effective way to keep power coming to them is to continually transfer the power of others to themselves.  This is done by engaging in behaviors that encourage or facilitate the transfer the people from “less powerful” positions to themselves.  In other words, it could be interpreted or diagnosed that they engage in “power plays.”  They “throw their power around” so everyone knows they’re in control.

No, they’re not in control.  Au contraire!  You are always in control of your power, and it’s always your choice as to whether you’ll allow it to transfer from you to someone else.

Have you already given your power away?  If you have, no big deal.  It’s just energy.  You can get that power back any time you wish in a flash, literally.  It’s just a matter of respecting your own worth and value, and by performing that simple act of valuing yourself, you will re-deposit the power back to yourself.

People of power are different.  They empower other people.  They use their position to encourage people to not only maintain their power, but to use it in ways that benefit others.  People of power know that power is only energy, and it’s not a possession that can be kept, or even belongs to them in the first place.  In fact, they know that if they just value themselves, they have more than enough power within them to do what they need to do.  They don’t need to “suck” the power from others.  They’ve already got everything they need!

So, in the end, remember that power is only energy.  Power is not a possession.  It is a transferable commodity, and it can be transferred in a flash, either to you or from you.

Own your power.  Hang on to it.  You deserve to.  Don’t give your power away to people who operate through a fear and scarcity mentality.

The truth is, powerful people have all the power they need, but they don’t believe they have enough.  They feel that power has to be given to them, and they demand that it be given to them.  Furthermore, they desperately fear that their power won’t hold, and they fear that one day their power will be gone.  It was never their power to have in the first place.  The power they have accumulated and cling to belongs to someone else.  It needs to be refunded.

Don’t allow yourself to give your power away to anyone else.  It’s yours to have for your own benefit.  As long as you honor and value yourself, and as long as you remember that the power others have over you is entirely up to you, you’ll quickly realize that you can retain and reclaim your personal power from anyone and any time you’d like.

Power to the people, baby.


Did you find this article helpful?  Have you given your power away, and do you now plan on getting it back?  I’d like to hear your stories.  Scroll down and leave a comment below!  I’d love to hear about it!



About the Author

  • So true Victor. The only power someone has over you is what you give them… Absolutely! Taking control of your own inner power and using it to help yourself and those around you in a positive way is so very important. If you learn how to do it without being drained it will give you unlimited possibilities in what you can do in life.

    • Victor Schueller says:


      Nice to have you here again. Yes, power is just a perception. It can be moved around easily, and it all depends on your thoughts and what you think about yourself. You hit it on the head — if you can do it without draining yourself you’re off to great things. Take care and thanks for stopping by again.

  • Martine Joseph says:

    I just love this post Victor! You’ve demystified the whole power issue! My favorite quotes here: “Power is just energy” and “People of power are different. They empower other people.” Lots to learn here!

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Thank you Martine! I’m glad you found some clarity within it! Thanks for stopping by and please come again soon. 🙂

  • SuzieCheel says:

    The only power that a person has over you is the power you give them permission to have over you. This stood out for me. People of power are leaders who empower and lead by example, creating ripples of change.

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Suzie, I’m glad that it stood out for you. I know it sure did when I heard it the first time, nearly ten years ago. It was a huge game changer for me. You’re right — people of power empower others, rather than take it from others. Stop again! 🙂

  • Lisa Thomson says:

    Thank you for this ‘powerful’ post 🙂 I have had to cut people off in my life in order to take back my value and power. The person was continually abusing my good nature (he is a powerful person). I have successfully gained back some of my power. This is incredibly helpful, Victor and i have tweeted it out. This will help women going through divorce, too.

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Hi Lisa,

      Thanks for coming by. I am glad you liked the post and that it helped you and you think it would be helpful to others. Thanks for the RT too! 🙂

      I never thought of that, but that’s a great thought — that it would help women going through divorce. Great idea!

      Thanks again. Take care and keep in touch! 🙂

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