There’s a Polish expression that can be translated to read, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
I think that the use of this expression, or at least the thought of, can really help you out when it comes to letting go of other people’s dramas or other things that just consume your time and your energy.
When we look at the injustices that are going on in the world around us, the first question to ask is “What power do I have to make a change?”
If we’re bent out of shape because we don’t like what someone else is doing, say a co-worker or someone over which you have no authority, you truly lack the power to get this person to stop doing what we don’t like. The only way change is going to happen is if it comes from that person or from a person who possesses the authority over them to demand the change.
When it comes to the injustices and atrocities of the larger world, we definitely have the power to make a change. However, then we have to ask the next question, which is “What actionable step am I going to take to make a change?” If you are motivated enough to identify something wrong with the world, like this guy, and make a difference, by all means do it.
However, many people find it much more convenient to just sit back and talk about what’s wrong with the world, but that’s as far as it goes. Now, let me make something very clear. There’s no problem with that — there is no shame in inaction. But, what is the benefit? All we get out of it is bent out of shape because we don’t agree with what other people are doing, and we don’t like what we see.
Instead of moving to make a change and reach a solution, we sit back and talk about how they “should” not do this or “should” not do that. When we “should” on other people, we are led down the path to judgment. We are led to a belief that there is a right and there is a wrong. We believe that there is “too much” or “too little” of that.
We say, “That’s just wrong,” and then we carry on about just how “wrong” it really is, as if that is making a difference or a change.
Here’s the thing: If you’re not in a position to, or willing to remedy the “problem” and right the “wrong,” you’re just wasting your time and energy.
It’s not your circus, and they’re not your monkeys. Just let it go. Don’t worry about it if you’re not going to take action.
Simply complaining about what you don’t like or how you would do things differently serves absolutely no positive purpose. All it does is solidifies you in a judgmental position and puts you in a position in which you are deviating from compassion and migrating toward violence.
Let it go. It’s not your problem. Injustices and horrible things are happening each and every day all over the world. We can’t save the world by ourselves. Let it go.
I’m not saying to turn a blind eye to the opportunities we have for change. But, I still know how people can be, which consists of standing by and pointing out all that’s wrong with the world, but still offering no real attempt or proposed solution to make a difference.
So, to borrow another phrase, “Either sh*t or get off the pot.” But, if you’re gonna get “off the pot,” then let it go.
It’s not your circus, and they’re not your monkeys. So you don’t like what someone’s doing. So?
Don’t waste your time and energy pointing out what’s wrong with the world if you can’t or are unwilling to change it. It’s just not worth it. Spend your time and energy on positive things, like focusing on what you can do, or thinking about something that generates within you loving, positive, warm, or happy feelings. We can greatly benefit from the efforts directed at the generation of positivity within us, and guess what? Others will benefit as well.
More monkeys, more problems. Just let the circus go.
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On Monday at 12:00 PM Central I will be welcoming Angela Artemis to my radio show to talk about how we can use our intuition to help us discover our true life purpose!
Click on Angela’s picture above to listen to the show!
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Great post Victor.
Years ago I had to seriously work on letting go of the habit of talking about problems often. It really does become a habit. I’m a problem solver so now if I can’t think of a way to put action toward fixing it, I usually use tools to soothe myself through it. It’s still letting it go but feeling good while doing it.
This reminds me of one of first things I did when I first started working on changing these patterns. I’m laughing at the memory. My childhood friend told me to think to yourself, “Never mind, never mind, never mind” over and over. I realize this goes against what many people talk of in the ‘being mindful’ process today. But at those times that I literally could NOT shut my thoughts down, this overrode the negatives. It really did help. Thankfully today I let go of things much easier 😉
Hello Melissa,
Thanks for coming by and taking the time to chat! Thanks for sharing your experiences. The “never mind” thing is great! Isn’t it funny how we as young people can sometimes “get it” more readily than adults? I think once we get in the habit of talking about problems, but not doing anything about it, it’s hard to break that cycle. It sounds like you’ve developed a great approach that works for you. Thanks so much for sharing!
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