3 Ways to Take Control of Your Beautiful Life | VictorSchueller.com

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

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I am happy to welcome Keyara Fleece to my blog this week with her guest post!  Please join me in welcoming her.

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”-Leo Tolstoy

This is YOUR life! I know you don’t need me to tell you this, but it’s worth constant mention. This life is full of limitless possibilities! You are filled with many unique talents and your specific recipe of greatness can do things in this world that no one else can do.

Some hesitate to spend time on self care and self love because they think it’s selfish or sometimes they just don’t believe that they deserve the same love as everyone else. I’m here to dispel that lie. If even a small fraction of people spent more time on themselves, gave more love to their own heart, spent more time caring for their own souls…we’d live in an unrecognizable place.

You see, many of us walk around every day ignoring our own needs, our own wants and our own dreams. Our wise inner self does not sit by watching quietly, however. Our inner selves send us messages in the form of emotions and reactions to situations.

You call it lazy, your inner self is saying this is not what we’re meant to be doing. You call it unmotivated, but your inner self is motivated…to do something else.

So, here are a few simple tips to take more control (so we can all benefit from your greatness!)

1. Listen to your inner wisdom
Honor yourself when something doesn’t feel right. There is nothing wrong with you! There is actually so much right with you. Don’t let the wise inner compass that you were born with go to waste. Let it do it’s job by giving yourself some space each day to hear what you truly want. You know what’s best for you.

2. Stretch Yourself
Don’t get too comfortable! Life is not about being comfy, it’s about growing. If it hurts, you know it’s working. Make it a point to do something that takes you out of your comfort zone all the time! Your life will truly sparkle!

3. Honor Yourself
When you feel sad, don’t shut it up. Listen! What is your sadness telling you? How can you grow from this pain? When you get angry, don’t multiply the negativity by getting mad at yourself. Listen to yourself! Many times, anger is the crying of a misunderstood soul. Listen to that rage and honor it. You’re human and feeling passion is a good thing!

Everyone has passions, but the people who follow their passions and listen to their inner wisdom are in the minority. It doesn’t have to be that way. There is not a single person in this world without incredible power. I mean it. We are a race of warriors filled with limitless inner wisdom. Take your place as a warrior by taking care of your own beautiful life.

With much love,
Keyara Fleece









Join Keyara Fleece in April for ‘Loving Me’ a 30 day challenge to stretch your emotional capacities. Keyara blogs at www.awakeningyourlight.com and she thinks that you are awesome!


On my radio show this week:

Ronald Cooper 17











On Monday at 12:00 PM Central I will be welcoming Ronald A. Cooper to my radio show to talk about “How to Win in Life in a Greater Way.”

Click on Ronald’s picture above to listen to the show!


About the Author

  • […] out my guest post here! Thanks to Victor Schueller for the opportunity! Follow him on twitter […]

  • Great suggestions here, Keyara! I like the idea of stretching yourself. Good things can happen when we push ourselves and try new things.

  • Great post and advice Keyara! I agree looking at your emotions instead of burying them is so important. One of my favorite books is ‘Feelings Buried Alive Never Die’ by Karol Truman. This topic is near and dear to me and I hope you reach many readers 😉

  • Keyara Alexandra says:

    @ Cathy and Melissa: Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to leave feedback. It always means so much. Melissa, I’m going to have to check that book out. It seems like and amazing read!

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