On a Road of Struggling and Suffering? Try This to Turn It around.

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems


A couple of years ago there was major road construction taking place in the city in which I live.  They were completely re-doing some of the intersections and putting in roundabouts to improve the flow of traffic through the major traffic areas in town.  Because of the construction being done, there were some major detours and it caused a lot of extra time and inconvenience to make what were previously simple trips throughout the neighborhood.

I remember traveling past one of the “road closed” signs with my wife when we saw a car that had ignored the signs and tried to navigate through the construction.  Apparently they didn’t notice that a major section had been cut out of the concrete before driving their front tires into the hole which was several feet deep.  The car was upended, its back end up in the air, and going nowhere fast.

Sometimes, when we ignore the signs that are intended to prevent us from inconvenience, damage, or danger, we can end up just like that car, upended and going nowhere fast.

I’ve been around people, and maybe you’ve been too, who experience what seems like nothing but hard times.  It seems like they constantly battle negativity, face adversity, fall upon hard times, have bad luck, and can’t seem to have anything positive happen without something negative following close behind.

I’m no exception.  I’ve struggled through my own hard times, and I know you have too.  It took me much longer than I care to admit to realize that the reason why I faced so many hard times and struggles was because I ignored the warning signs.  I drove right past the “no not enter” signs of life.  I disregarded the “road closed” warnings.  I neglected to acknowledge the “detours” that were placed before me.  I paid the price.

If we choose to ignore the traffic signs when we are traveling in our vehicles, the journey we experience will be a direct reflection of our choices.  We should expect potential damage to our vehicles, delayed transit time, possible vehicle breakdowns, and rough terrain.  The journey will likely be unpleasant.

However, if we heed the warning signs and take the detours, unpleasant and inconvenient as they may be, we will experience a much safer, happier, and more successful journey in the end.  The degree to which the trip will be pleasant is in direct correlation with the choices we make along the way.

Similarly, the life journey that we experience day to day, week to week, and month to month, is in direct correlation with the choices we make along the way.  Our life experiences are a reflection of what is going on within us.  If we ignore the nudges from our heart and if we don’t follow our intuitive senses, we can end up making decisions that will lead us straight into some form of suffering and displeasure.

The great news is that we do have the ability each and every day to turn things around.  Just because we find ourselves on a rough and difficult journey because of our previous choices, it doesn’t mean that we are stuck on that same road forever.  We can always change the journey by changing our choices and by starting to look for the warning signs.  We always have the ability to quiet ourselves and listen to the internal “nudges” coming from our souls.

Take time to ask yourself how you feel about a certain situation.  Feel within your heart whether you get a “yes” or a “no.”  If you experience any discomfort or uncertainty, maybe that’s a “no” from within.  Sure, sometimes when we try something new or are considering making a change there is some resistance to change which causes anxiety.  I’m not talking about that type of feeling.  I’m talking about that “gut” feeling that something just isn’t right about a situation.

For example, I was considering working with a potential coaching client.  Every interaction I had with that person, whether it was through email or over the phone, left me feeling uneasy and just “not right.”  Eventually, I listened to my heart and felt the “nudge” to say “no” to this client, and the relationship ended right there.  If I were to have ignored the “nudge” and continued with this person, perhaps it would have led to suffering and less than wonderful experiences.

After you get the “yes” or “no” from your heart, then ask one simple question: “What do I want?”  After you determine what it is you want, then go for that.  Yes, it can be that easy!

For example, let’s say you are struggling in your relationship with your spouse.  You are having difficulty communicating with them.  Take time to ask yourself how you feel about the situation.  You may ask yourself, “Do I want to continue this marriage?”

Perhaps you’ll get a “yes” from your heart.  You know you want to be with them, despite your struggles.  You feel that there is a chance you can work through these difficulties.

Then, you can ask yourself, “What do I want?”  Perhaps you’ll come to the conclusion that you want better communication with your spouse, and then you can start to investigate what it is that you can do to improve the communication between you two, such as looking to hire a communication coach or see a relationship expert or marriage counselor or another similar professional.

If this process seems fairly intuitive, to the point where you find yourself saying that it’s common sense, you’re right!  This is an intuitive process, because you’re using your intuitive gifts to help you navigate through your life choices.  Sometimes, however, the choices are more difficult, such as when you find yourself working a job you don’t enjoy, but you still need the financial benefits of staying in that job.  The “yes” or “no” from within may be a bit harder to hear.  However, if you find that this job brings little more than stress, suffering, hard times, bad luck, and negativity, perhaps those are those “warning signs” that are trying to tell you that maybe the path you’re on is not the path for you.

This simple two step process of asking your soul “yes” or “no,” and then asking what it is that you do want can help you navigate through those tough decisions in life.  It can also help you get to the bottom of any current situation that is causing your life to be less than wonderful.

It’s never too late to read the “warning signs” of life and make different choices and smooth out life’s journey.  Sometimes all you need is to plug into that “internal GPS” found deep within you to help you navigate through the difficult aspects of the journey.  The tools are within you to turn any unpleasant aspect of your trip into a more pleasant one.  Just take the time to use introspection and ask the simple questions.  Then, all you need to do is listen!  A wonderful journey awaits!

Photo: http://www.sxc.hu/profile/valike



About the Author

  • Karen Jolly says:

    Beautiful post Victor – and what a great story to help us visualize exactly what it looks like when we ignore the warning signs. It’s like driving blind! The empowerment comes when we listen to the heart and I loved your point to ask “what do I want” – that turns everything back on!

    Thank you

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Karen, welcome! It’s great to see you here. “Driving blind” is an excellent way to sum it up! I love that. I am so glad to see that the post resonated with you and that it was helpful! Please come by again soon. Take care, and again, welcome!

  • Elle says:

    I always enjoy your stories Victor. And this one is particularly apt. Who hasn’t ignored those warning signs and gone steaming ahead into a mini disaster. Paying attention is key and as you say asking the only question we need answer in ‘what do I want’ is a way to make sure we’re on the right road.

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Elle, thank you. I am so glad to see you here. Yes, I am guilty, as are many of ignoring those signs, thinking that we “know better,” only to find out we may not have been right on with that assumption. Perhaps in this case “practice makes perfect” and by repeatedly having the opportunity to try listening to the “yes” and “no” and asking “what do I want” is the answer, as you suggest. Thanks for coming by and come again soon. 🙂

  • David Stevens says:

    Some signs are obvious Victor, some are not. I enjoyed your read, many interesting and valid observations here. Thank You.
    Be good to yourself

    • Victor Schueller says:

      David, thank you for coming by! You’re absolutely right. Some are obvious, while others unfortunately are not, and sometimes it causes a lot of problems as a result. I am glad you enjoyed this post. You’re welcome to come by any time. Take care!

  • I love the post Victor! I have had so many times in the past when I didn’t listen to warning signs. I used to require the ole brick to the head approach from God. But after some very long conversations, we’ve agreed more on the “feather touch” these days. Every now and then I still veer off track and can just feel that ole brick coming my way. That inner GPS system feels it too, and I am guided back to where I need to be going, out of danger. I’m not saying I won’t ever get that hard nudge every once in a while. After all that is part of what conscious learning and living is all about, right? It can be the most amazing journey, construction work and all!

    Thanks for being YOU!

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Hello Melissa,
      You are so kind. Thank you for your kind words, and thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. I was laughing pretty hard at the “ole brick to the head approach” line. That’s pretty good. You’re right — we are learning as we go, so sometimes the nudges are a bit stronger sometimes.

      Thanks again for coming by, and please stop again! 🙂

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