Can I Read Other People’s Minds? |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Brain and mind

If I told you that you were a mind reader, would you believe me?  I think it’s safe to say that when we picture someone reading our minds, we think of someone sitting in some sort of contraption, designed to measure brainwaves and extract the deep thoughts in our minds.  The truth is that all of us were designed to read minds, and the equipment is so much more sophisticated than these so-called “contraptions.  The good news is that we were all born with them!

I used to sit at a piano, and loudly sing certain notes while holding down one of the pedals under the keyboard called the “sustain” pedal.  It was interesting to me because if I sang a certain note, the corresponding string that “played” that same note would vibrate, and I could hear the piano “playing” that note after I stopped singing.  The reason why I was able to hear that note being played is because of “resonance.”

(Warning: scientific mumbo jumbo ahead — skip this paragraph if you will fall asleep before it’s over) My vocal cords (vocal folds, as they are really called) have to vibrate in order to make a sound.  Those vibrations compress the air at a certain frequency, and those compressed air waves travel through the air.  The reason we are able to hear those sounds is because our eardrums vibrate at that same frequency, and then it moves some small bones in the ear and then it compresses a fluid chamber in our ear which then vibrates a “hair” in our ears that also vibrates at that same frequency.  When that hair vibrates, it causes a nerve signal to be sent to the brain, and the brain interprets that signal and we perceive it as a sound. (Scientific mumbo jumbo done)

Those vibrations also can travel through the air and cause resonant vibration of the strings on the piano, causing that “note” to be “played.”  They are vibrating at the same frequency.

Our brains are also electro-magnetic organs.  This means that they have the ability to create their own electro-magnetic waves at a certain frequency.  This frequency radiates outward into our environment.  We just can’t see or hear or feel them because the frequency is outside of our audio and visual spectrum.

However, because our brains are electro magnetic, they can respond to electrical or magnetic impulses.  It has been shown that strong magnets placed over certain areas of the brain can cause movement in parts of our bodies.  This is because the magnet can “resonate” at a frequency in which it causes a physiological change in the neurons, which then “fire” and cause the muscles to contract.

All this science comes together to explain how we may be able to “read” each other’s minds.  I did a very informal and crude experiment with a group that I was speaking to this past summer.  I asked them to think of a time when they were really angry, and then tell someone next to them about it.  I walked up and down the middle of the room, and I felt like I was being pelted with all of this negative energy.

The negative thought patterns were affecting the electro-magnetic radiations of the brain, which then radiated outward into the environment.  I could just feel this heavy, angry energy hitting me all over.  I am certain that if someone walked into the room at that moment in time they would have wondered what in tarnation was going on in there that was getting people so worked up.  The room absolutely vibrated with this harsh and heavy energy and sound.

Then, I asked these same people to turn their thoughts to a very happy memory, and tell the person next to them about it.  As I walked up and down the mile of the room, I started to feel different feelings.  I felt lighter, almost like walking on clouds.  The energy softened and was pleasurable.  The audience who participated in this experiment also noticed a huge difference.

We are able to unknowingly “pick up” resonant vibrational frequencies from the people around us.  Some people do this almost intuitively, which gives them this strong “intuitive” sense about things or people.  It’s like they have these “gut” feelings about things that usually end up being true.

Some of us (me included) have to work a bit harder to pick up on these cues.  I have found that one of the best ways to try to tune into people is to actually move out of the head and into the heart. The heart gives out an electro-magnetic wave that is about 50 times stronger than that of the brain.  I have found that trying to connect with the heart has yielded much more success.  I can better read what’s going on with a person.

I don’t know if it’s because I am using a stronger “reading” instrument or if it’s because I am connecting “heart to heart” with someone else, but I know that I have become a much better “mind” reader when using my heart instead of my head.

Either way, you really can’t go wrong.  As long as you try to connect with whatever is alive in that person, and try to figure out what a person is going through at the moment, you’re doing a great job of trying to establish a “mind reading” connection with someone else.

If you’re trying to figure out what’s going on with someone, just start asking yourself some questions.  Ask yourself, “Why is this person doing or saying what they are doing? What is the driving factor?” Or, try asking yourself, “What is it that this person is getting at?  What is it that they are asking for or what do they need and feel they’re not getting?”  These probing questions can sort of put you into a “scanning” mode, allowing you to be open to “pick up” any resonant frequencies that may help give you a clue.

So yes, we do have the ability to read minds.  It just comes easier to some more than others, but we all have the ability.  By moving from the head to the heart, and by asking these probing questions, we can get better at reading minds, and we can also put ourselves in a position to help those around us who may really “need” us to read their minds, but don’t even realize it.

For a fantastic read on effective tips and techniques to read people’s minds, I recommend checking out this article:еаding-people-like-a-cia-profiler/



About the Author

  • Tiphanie says:

    True Talk Victor! Ask and you shall receive… questions are like doors and yeses to the universe for all that we seek. Love this!

    • Victor Schueller says:


      So nice to see you here! I am glad you came by! It’s great to have you. I love how you put that — “questions are like doors and yeses to the universe…” That’s a great way to look at it. By asking questions, we open up avenues to ourselves that we never would have imagined existed! Please come by again anytime! I hope you’re doing well!

  • Hi Victor,
    I enjoyed reading this. We are human communication stations. We pick up on and send out electro-magnetic frequencies encoded with information about our state of mind. I agree that this is an ability that everyone possesses – it’s built into us. It only takes focus, practice and a desire to get better at “reading” these vibes.
    Thank you for sharing Victor.

    • Victor Schueller says:


      I was actually thinking about you as I was writing portions of this! I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for stopping by to let me know your thoughts and how you enjoyed it. I really appreciate it. Take care! 🙂

  • Elle says:

    Hi Victor – it’s so true. No matter what words someone is using, if the feeling behind them doesn’t fit, I can feel the discordance. It’s tangible. Likewise when I’m with people and we’re passionate about the same subject, it feels uplifting and inspiring. It’s a pretty cool experiment you conducted.


    • Victor Schueller says:


      You’re so right. A person definitely can feel the “warm fuzzies” when in an environment in which everyone feels a strong positive emotion permeating the room and hitting everyone. I am glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for stopping by.

  • Victor, This is so true! I often react to the kids that I teach. I seem to have a 6th sense of what they feel as they walk through the room. I must be responding just like you described in your post. A very interesting post to read… thanks!

    • Victor Schueller says:


      Isn’t that interesting that you can just “feel” what’s going on in a room just by passing by? Our intuitive senses are so strong if we can just figure out a way to bring them to our conscious awareness. I think it’s hard because in many ways we are conditioned to only go off of what we are able to see or observe consciously and disregard the intuitive hunches. Thanks for coming by! I appreciate it.

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