Are you packing your bags for Zimbabwe? |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Uncategorized

I’m not packing my bags.  No way.  But, that’s what some people can come to believe when it comes to deciding to do something different in life.

I had the pleasure of interviewing life and career coach Jessica Sweet for my radio show broadcast, which airs today at 12 PM Central.  Click here to listen to the show.  We talked about how sometimes people believe that they face a dilemma when they decide they want to make a change.  People may believe that if they have a family, home, and financial obligations they are “stuck” where they are — not really liking their “day job,” but having to stay there because they are invested in so much.  They may be afraid of taking that step into something different because of the risks.

Along the same lines, because of this heavy investment in family, life, and financial obligations, because they believe that the only possible change is “radical” change, they don’t do anything or make any changes, and they stay where they are.  The thought of making a change is too large and too different.

Jessica Sweet

This is something that Jessica specializes in, and helps people with every day.  I love how she puts it: “You don’t have to move to Zimbabwe.”  You don’t have to make radical changes in order to enable change in your life.  There are small things you can do, each and every day, to get you closer to where you want to be.

If you don’t know much about Jessica (or Jess for short), she helps people who want to do what they love for work, even though they feel stuck in their jobs because of real life responsibilities. Her background as a clinical social worker and therapist along with her natural insight into people help her to quickly connect to who you are and innately understand exactly what you need in coaching. Learn more at

I hope you get an opportunity to listen to our interview today.  If you miss the live broadcast, just click on the link I provided at the beginning of this post, and you can listen to an archive of the show.


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  • Vidya Sury says:

    How sweet! I like that expression! We use the phrase but say Timbuctoo instead of ZImbabwe! Love the post, Victor!

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Thanks Vidya! I agree, I love the expression too! 🙂 Thanks for reading, and I wish you the best, as always! 🙂

  • Already been to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

  • Sounds like an interview I’d love! And I love the saying, “You don’t have to go to Zimbabwe.” Looking forward to listening to the interview!

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