Something You Can Do When You Are Overwhelmed |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

Tired of “drama” on Facebook? Need some positive inspiration? Follow me on Facebook and I promise to add positivity to your day!

hands up

I have to admit this — I have a really hard time dealing with lots of noise and uncontrolled environments.  They not only make me feel overwhelmed, but they make me feel uncomfortable and frustrated.  I don’t know if it’s just because of the intensity of the emotions that resonate with the noise and disorder, or whether it’s my desire to have order and quiet, but it’s something that I deal with regularly, especially considering the fact that I have young children.  As a matter of fact, I once again realized this yesterday, as I was driving in the car with them, and they were enjoying themselves in the back seat of the car.  While no doubt they were having a good time, the volume level was a bit more than I would consider “comfortable.” 🙂

Do you have this same issue?  Or, is there something else that pushes you to your limit of comfort?  Is there a certain type of situation or set of circumstances that seems to put you squarely in the “overwhelmed” category?  Perhaps it’s a one-time issue, like a family illness or death or major event, where you just don’t know where to go anymore with all of your emotions.

A few months ago, a family that I know through our days in school together experienced a major family situation, which reminded me well of how one day things can be just fine, and the next day your life can be turned upside down.  The wife was driving home in inclement weather, and flipped her vehicle.  She suffered major head trauma, but miraculously, she survived and is on her way to recovering.  It’s astonishing.  It defies the odds.  Her husband, when writing about the experience on a daily basis through the Caring Bridge website, said something that reminded me of a powerful technique we all can use when we are pushed to our limits.  Now, I have to admit that his situation is so much more significant than mine when it comes to dealing with noise and disorder.  But, I think this bodes well for us, because it shows that you can use it in a variety of situations, but it is equally as effective, no matter when or where you choose to use it.

Here’s what you do: When you feel that you have taken everything you can, and you simply “can’t” anymore, all you need to do is give up what you can’t handle.  You can give it to God, or you can offer it up to the universe.  Just say, “God, I can’t take this anymore…Here you go…Carry this for me.”  Or, alternatively, you can offer it up to the universe, by saying, “Universe, it’s yours.  I can’t take anymore. I’m giving it to you to deal with.”

I think just knowing that there is something “bigger” than us that can help us through our difficult times is a relief.  Sometimes we feel that we have to deal with our problems on our own, and this simply is not true.  We are never alone in this vast universe of people and creation.

Just offer it up to someone or something else.  Put it in a “basket” and offer it up and relieve yourself of the burden you have come to carry.  Give it to God.  Give it to the universe.  They can help.

Remember, we’re not alone.  We have help!

Let me know — have you ever done this when you felt overwhelmed or that you just “couldn’t” anymore?  If so, let me know of your experiences!  I’d love to hear about them!

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About the Author

  • Hi Victor…I too find noise and uncontrolled chaos unsettling–most of the time. I think it largely depends upon whether it is expected on unexpected…when I’m home writing I definitely prefer quiet and certainly during my meditation time I find it easier. But then other times when I’m surrounded by friends or doing something at an event–noise, or at least the right kind, can be stimulating. I think as humans we are quite adaptive so it probably depends upon what we’ve become accustomed to being around. As far as the idea about turning our troubles over to the Universe (or God) I agree that is VERY important. As Wayne Dyer says, “There is a spiritual solution to every problem.” And I’ve also found the idea of The Golden Key by Emmet Fox equally helpful whenever overwhelmed. Thanks for the thoughts and inspiration.~Kathy

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Hello Kathy,

      I took a look at The Golden Key, as I had never heard of it, and I thank you for making that recommendation! Much appreciated!

      What you said is absolutely true — there is a difference between expected and unexpected disorder and chaos. A huge difference, as a matter of fact. Thanks for pointing out that distinction.

      I am so glad you came by, and even more thankful that you took the time to comment. Please stop by again! 🙂 Best wishes to you!

      • Hi Victor…you’re so welcome. Your ideas fit so perfectly with Emmet Fox that I was sure you already knew of him…but what do they say, “Great minds think alike” so that too is no surprise. It looks like you are doing great work in the world and I’ll be following right along and looking forward to future posts. ~Kathy

        • Victor Schueller says:

          Thank you so much for your kind words, Kathy. I am relatively new to this whole “thing.” I have come a long way in my personal discoveries over the past two years — so much that I can’t wait to see what’s on the horizon! I appreciate everything you said, and I look forward to getting to know you better too! Take care and best wishes!


  • Elle says:

    I’ve used that technique myself Victor. When I would be in the middle of horrible trigeminal neuralgia pain that was unbearable, I’d do exactly that. Hand it over. It always seemed to diminish the intensity of the pain, so I can see how it would help with emotional pain too.

    Thanks for the reminder.


    • Victor Schueller says:


      Likewise, I am glad to hear it works for physical discomfort, as well as the emotional! It’s always a pleasure having you stop by! Thanks!

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