Is There an Escape Hatch Waiting for You? |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Self-empowerment and dealing with difficult people

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“All that spirits desire, spirits attain.” ~Khalil Gibran 

I remember back to my days as a chiropractic student and sometimes wonder how I got through it.  I recall the three sets of national board exams that we had to take to get licensed to practice. The whole process was intense — we had about 600 questions to answer per part, and if you didn’t pass one set, you had to re-take it before taking the next set. Thankfully, I passed each set the first time I attempted them, which saved me a lot of time, money, and grief.

About a year ago, my wife found out that she passed her national board certification process to become a National Board Certified Teacher. Having witnessed all she had to endure to get I couldn’t help but recall how closely her experiences and trials and tribulations mirrored those of mine as I worked to get through my own examinations.

One thing we shared in common was a certain mentality during the preparation phase — it was something that I believe can make the difference between failure and success. We both absolutely refused to accept failure as a viable option. We would not allow failure to be a possibility.

To sum it up best, we were filled with the magic ingredient of desire. Desire was the difference.

When you are faced with a situation in which you stand to succeed or fail, take a moment to gauge your level of true desire to succeed. Are you at all okay with not reaching your highest objective or goal, or are you going to only accept one possible outcome, which is to do whatever it takes to succeed?

Sometimes we leave that little “escape hatch” in the rear so we can bail out if things start to deteriorate — like it’s an “abort mission” type of mechanism we construct for ourselves.

How can you close that escape route? How can you increase your level of desire so that you know absolutely and for certain that you will only accept the highest objective as the outcome? If you can picture yourself having accomplished what you desire, and if you can feel the relief and joy and pure satisfaction of doing what you intended, you will be suggesting to your subconscious mind that it has happened, and that your body might as well react accordingly and go along with it.

Without desire, we always give ourselves an escape and excuse for failure to reach our wildest dreams. With desire, we solidify and strengthen our belief in ourselves that not only are we capable of achieving our objectives, but that we’re willing to do absolutely whatever is necessary to reach our goals. We give ourselves absolutely no other option.

Where have you utilized the power of desire to accomplish a tremendous task? When has your lack of desire allowed you to settle for less than your best?  Let me know.  I want to hear about it!

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About the Author

  • "Without desire, we always give ourselves an escape and excuse for failure to reach our wildest dreams." – inspiring post from Victor Schueller.

  • Vidya Sury says:

    Victor, I absolutely agree with you. I simply cannot accept failure from myself. One thing that motivates me to achieve is remembering that I decided to do something because I believed I could. This fuels me. I have no escape hatch. If for some reason I have to let go….it bugs the heck out of me forever. 🙂 A post close to my heart!

    • Victor Schueller says:


      I really like what you said — remembering that you decided to so something because you believed you could. I really like that. I’ll have to tuck that one away for the future. Thanks for lending your wisdom! 🙂

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