Category Archives for "belief systems"

Are You Ready to “Come Back to Life?” Don’t Miss This Interview! | VictorSchueller.Com

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

Ready to “come back to life?” You are invited to take a seat and join me for my radio show on Monday, September 17 at 12 PM Central!

My guest will be Jodi Chapman, Creator of the “Coming Back to Life” e-Course!


Click below to listen to the interview!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Are you tired of feeling numb and disconnected?  Are you ready to “wake up” and start living fully?

If you’re ready to come back to life, I have a wonderful interview to share with you that may be your ticket to guiding you back to your soul to help you reconnect with how it feels to be truly alive!

I’ve gotten to know Jodi Chapman over this past year, and I have been asking her to join me on my show for a few months, so I was thrilled when she agreed to join me this week!  Jodi is in the process of preparing to unveil her new program, called “Coming Back to Life,” and I wanted her to share her story and details of the program with listeners, so that she can get the message out there to those who need it!

Jodi describes herself as being “passionate about helping each of us listen to and be guided by our soul.” But, as she explains, her life wasn’t always so overtly spiritual. She spent most of my life in the left side of her brain – focusing on logic, proof, and anything black and white. After receiving a degree in Technical Editing and Sociology with plans to become a statistician, she spent several years working for a publication that focused on debunking spiritual/mystic claims and several more working as a technical editor.  However, she just didn’t feel fulfilled.

In October of 2010, she experienced a spiritual awakening. (The complete story is detailed in her upcoming book, Coming Back to Life: How An Unlikely Friend Helped Me Reclaim My True Spirit.) Because of this, she slowly began to open up to the miracles that had always been all around her. And in doing so, her entire life changed – it became brighter and filled with love. She now knows that we are never alone, we are always taken care of, and all of the answers – every single thing we need to know about our time here on Earth – have always been inside of us.

I can verifiably say that if you are looking for someone to help get you “off the floor” and come “back to life,” Jodi is the one you want to have as a guide through the process.  I am blessed and honored to know her, and I am so excited to have her join me on my radio show this week to talk about her course!

The “Coming Back to Life” e-Course is a six-week journey that begins on October 1. It is a helping hand, a set of tools, and a community all wrapped up into one loving course to support you when you are feeling numb and unsure of which way to go. Itt’s packed with TONS of goodies to help you reconnect and feel alive again.

If you have ever felt disconnected from life – from your soul – this course is for you. If you’ve ever felt your light dim, this is for you. If you know that there is more to life than simply getting through the day, but you aren’t sure how to take the step forward out of the darkness, this is for you. If you are ready to plug back into this magical universe, reconnect with your soul, and open your heart again, this course is for you. If you are no longer willing to just “get by” and sleepwalk through your day, this is for you. If you are ready – truly ready – to start living fully – this course is definitely for you!

When you register for Jodi’s e-Course, you’ll receive instant access to over $150 in amazing bonus gifts—including books, affirmations, meditations, and more!

If you’re ready to:

♥ live fully and love fully.
♥ take responsibility for your life.
♥ push past your fears & reach your dreams.
♥ forgive, let go, and move forward.
♥ see the world with childlike wonder.
♥ reconnect with your soul.
♥ believe in miracles again.
♥ open up to this amazing universe.
♥ join a community of loving souls.
♥ be completely authentic and vulnerable (in a good way).
♥ join a course that comes from the heart and soul.
♥ come back to life.

…then this course is for you!

What you’ll receive:

♥ Over 150 pages of love – including weekly lessons + soulful activities. This is where you get to show up for yourself. This is where you get to reconnect with your soul and discover who you are deep down at your wisest, most loving core.

♥ Heartfelt Videos. Each week includes at least three videos – one from Jodi sharing that week’s message, one from an inspirational soul sharing their story, and one designed to teach, inspire, and offer concrete tools that you can apply to your own life.

♥ Guided Meditations. Each week contains a guided meditation that is specific to that week’s message. They are grounding and calming.

♥ Beautiful offerings from over 30 friends who are also on this journey of self discovery. Each week is filled with heartfelt messages from inspirational messengers who are on similar journeys and are brave enough to share their experiences with you. Whether they share their stories through video, audio, artwork, or writing – they all serve the same purpose: to help lift you up and see that you are not alone. We have all experienced the darkness, and we have all opened up to the light.

♥ A private Facebook community. In this community, we can all join to support each other on our journeys, ask questions, and share our experiences. This community will be available to you even after the course ends.

♥ Weekly chat sessions. This will be a space where we can go deeper into the material, truly support each other at the soul level, and really create a tribe filled with love and nurturing energy.

♥ Jodi’s guidance/story. Each week includes Jodi’s story and experiences and what she has learned along the way. She hopes that you can learn from some of her mistakes and also feel inspired to know that you’re not alone in feeling disconnected. She’s been there, too.

♥ Soul Art. Jodi has designed printable posters to go with each week’s message. Perfect for hanging up around your sacred space and filling your soul with love each time you see it!

♥ Surprises. Who doesn’t love surprises? Jodi has a few fun things up her sleeve that she’ll be sprinkling throughout the course – gifts of love that she can’t wait to share with you!

♥ Bonus gifts. When you register for this course, you’ll receive instant access to over $150 in amazing bonus gifts—including books, affirmations, meditations, and more!

Here are the weekly topics:

♥ Week 1: Starting Where You Are

In Week 1, we spend some time exploring where we are starting from. We pat ourselves on the back for being brave enough to begin such a powerful, life-changing journey. And we clear the way for lasting transformation to take place.

♥ Week 2: Getting Real

In Week 2, we recognize the importance of pure authenticity when reconnecting with our soul. We stand strong in who we have become, and we honor our past – while at the same time, we recognize that our present moment can be anything we want it to be. We can be anyone we want to be. And that’s so powerful.

♥ Week 3: Letting Go

In Week 3, we spend a lot of time healing, forgiving, and letting go. We leave behind anything that no longer serves us – anything that will hinder us from soaring toward our dreams and reconnecting with our soul.

♥ Week 4: Opening Up

In Week 4, we open up to the spiritual, magical world that has always been around us. We look for signs. We tap into our own intuition. We practice being still. We embrace the feeling of being completely open to it all.

♥ Week 5: At the Heart of it All

In Week 5, we drop into our core and recognize that we are all love. We honor the love within ourselves, and we embrace the love in others. We rejoice that we are no longer alone. We are completely surrounded by love.

♥ Week 6: Leaping and Dreaming

In Week 6, we push past our comfort zones and fully embrace faith. We leap with abandon toward our dreams. We listen to our soul’s desire, and rather than question what it is asking us to do, we just do it!

When you register, you’ll receive over $150 in bonus gifts that you can download immediately!

We all have a light inside of us that shines so brightly, and this beautiful ecourse will help you remove some of the veils that have been covering your light. Isn’t it time you allowed yourself to shine? To live fully? To feel completely alive? Isn’t it time for each of us to allow ourselves to have that?

If your Soul is jumping up and down saying YES, YES, YES…

Then, register by clicking the banner below:

I am so thrilled to speak with Jodi about this wonderful course!  Don’t miss this three-part interview!  It’s going to be fantastic!  Grab your seat now!

Don’t miss the interview!

Please note: As an affiliate for this e-Course, a percentage of any sales will go toward vanquishing the mental mediocrity of people around the world. 🙂

Grab a Seat for Today’s Radio Show with Guest Melody Fletcher! | VictorSchueller.Com

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

You are invited to take a seat and join me for my radio show today at 12 PM Central!

Click here to listen!

My guest will be Melody Fletcher, Law of Attraction Expert of

In previous weeks, I have been talking with guests about the concept of asking the “universe” or a higher, collective “wisdom” for help in turning your wishes or requests into reality.  When you are in tune with your true, authentic self, and when you use your intuition, you find that things start to happen in a way that makes your wishes and requests come true!  This is known as the “Law of Attraction,” but I am not an expert when it comes to this concept.  That’s why I am so thrilled to have Melody Fletcher as my guest on “Positively Empowered Radio!”

Melody is an expert in the Law of Attraction, who doesn’t believe that spirituality or personal development have to be so damn serious all the time.  She helps people to finally make some freaking sense of LOA, and to remember who they really are, so they can annoy their friends and co-workers with their new-found happiness.

To find out more about Melody, visit my Weekly Spotlight page!

Don’t miss the interview!


A Flipped Perspective Leads to Greatness |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” ~Joseph Campbell

I was talking to my best friend last week, and we were discussing a theatre group that I helped start at the tender young age of nineteen.  It was sixteen years ago, to be precise, that I, with the help of two of my friends who were also nineteen, started a community theatre organization.

One of the things we had talked about in regard to getting this group started was the fact that, even though I was in the midst of a deep depression, I was still able to function pretty reasonably, given the circumstances.

I hadn’t really thought about it, but it did seem quite strange that I found a few hours each summer day to be inspired and creative enough to contribute to this organization.  Looking back, the things that we accomplished as nineteen year olds was quite astounding.  To think of what it took to get sponsored, funded, approved, supported, not to mention the buy in from the community along with all the other things we needed just to get the organization started, it makes my head spin just thinking about it.  It also makes me shake my head at the sheer magnitude of the project we took on back then!

Oh yes, that and the fact that sometimes people don’t take nineteen year olds too seriously, especially when they are trying to tackle such a daunting task.  We had to be bold, courageous, fearless, and risky.

For some strange reason, even though my life was just a mess otherwise, I seemed to not just hold it together during those times when I needed to for rehearsals; I actually stepped up and did some pretty remarkable things — things that would challenge me greatly now, sixteen years later.  To be honest, I don’t know if I even could do some of those things these days.  I’ve matured a bit! 🙂

My friend, during our discussion, suggested that perhaps the time spent with the theatre organization was an escape for me — it was an escape from all the garbage that I had to deal with.

Almost immediately, it hit me — it was a revelation — an epiphany of sorts.  For years I had struggled to figure out what the “deal” was for me, during all those years of suffering.

It all came to a head, and I actually figured it out — I was afraid.  That’s it.  I was afraid.

“Afraid of what?” you may ask.  It’s simple — I was afraid of losing the life path I thought I “should” be living.  Before my mom died in 1993, when I was sixteen, I had a pretty basic idea of what my life was going to be like as the years progressed.  Yes, I know that one’s perspective of life when one is sixteen years old differs greatly from the perspective one has when they are older, but still, I had a general idea of what I wanted to do with my life, not to mention the fact that I was operating under the assumption that my parents would be around for a significant portion of my life.

Yet, on that July day in 1993, everything got screwed up — I had to adopt a different life path, because now my mom was gone.  I was so terrified at what may happen to me in the future that I struggled so mightily to stay as close to that “original” life plan as possible.  The harder I struggled to prevent losing my way on my life path, the more fearful I was, which limited my personal potential.

Because I was so attached to this life path, and also so fearless of losing my way, I lived a life of fear.  This was my “real” life, as I believed it to be, full of suffering and fear due to attachment:

 This differed starkly from my “escape,” as my friend had suggested, which was a time where I was bold and fearless, open to creative possibilities:

You can see when you compare them, side by side, that they are almost opposites of each other:

My “epiphany” came when I realized that I had this all wrong!  My perspective was “flipped!”  What “I believed” to be my real life was not really that at all!  As a matter of fact, what I believed to be my “escape” was simply a glimpse of my true, authentic self, when I was unincumbered and liberated of my fear and my attachment to the life path I believed I was supposed to be “traveling.”  It was then that I discovered the greatness that was within!

How often do we obsess over how we thing things “should” be?  How often do we fear change that lies ahead?  When we become fearful of the changes that we face — when we become afraid of losing what we think we “should” maintain — the fear and desperate attempts to preserve or protect the loss often limits our potential.  We are so consumed with preventing a loss that we lose perspective — we develop “tunnel vision.”  Because we lose perspective, we miss out on the potential that we possess, and we miss an opportunity to discover our inner greatness.

It’s time to let go of the fear of losing what we think we “should” have.  It only limits our potential.  We were destined to be great!  We can achieve our true inner geatness if only we let go.  We have to let go, and dare ourselves to live, fully unleashed, ready to bring out the greatness that lies within!

It’s time to be great!  Live unleashed!

Photo source:
Diagrams ©VS Visions, LLC

The Razor-thin Difference between Failure and Success |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

You should follow Victor on Facebook!

“Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.” ~Joyce Brothers

To say the years that I attended chiropractic school were some of the most difficult years of my life is an understatement.  I didn’t get off to a good start there.  I was battling the effects of depression, my grades were suffering, and my life seemed to consist of varying levels of suffering.  Good times were rare, to put it bluntly.

I was in serious danger of seeing my goal of becoming a chiropractor end, because academically I wasn’t cutting it.  I remember my first exam at school was a wake-up call for me.  It might as well have been written in a foreign language, because I didn’t understand most of the questions (which makes it hard to come up with the right answer).  My study skills were woefully inept, and I didn’t know what to do to improve my grades or my study habits.  I felt lost and alone.

I ended up ultimately failing one of my early trimesters.  The way that our curriculum was set up, if you got less than a “C” in one “module,” which was a course of study, like “the spine,” for example, then you “failed” that module.  If you failed one module, you had to re-take the entire trimester, because each trimester had several modules that followed in sequence.  I passed the other module in that semester, so I just had to re-do one module, but I found myself now one semester behind, thus scheduled to graduate four months later (if I were to make it that far) than originally planned.

I felt like a colossal failure.  A failure to myself; a failure to my future wife; a failure to everyone who knew I was in chiorpractic school. After all, if I failed, everybody would know that I failed.  Not only that — I would have to figure out what else I was going to do.  I found myself at a crossroads, and I wasn’t sure if I should just continue to try to convince myself that I was cut out to be a chiropractor or if I should just throw in the towel and give up while I was ahead.

There was a long walking path near the apartment in which I resided, and I decided to take a long walk and contemplate what and where I was at that time, and what my future held for me.  Ultimately, my intent was to come to some sort of conclusion by the end of the walk as far as what I was going to do — was I going to keep trying, or was I going to give up and try something else?

I didn’t know what it was at the time, but I was opening up my mind and seeking the wisdom of my intuition.  I was seeking an answer from “above.”  It didn’t come through very strongly, but I did feel a significant feeling of a self-induced “pressure” to maintain my current course.  I just couldn’t see how giving up was going to be the right solution to this problem.  I just couldn’t see myself giving up so easily.  I knew I had it in me — I just had to find it…Somewhere…

Because I only had to take one module the next trimester, I had time to do some substitute teaching at the local school district, and re-organize my priorities.  My focus was on succeeding and improving my efforts, which, to be honest, had much room for improvement. Upon my return to school, I successfully completed the module I had failed before.  Soon after, I received a much stronger message that I needed to change my lifestyle and physical fitness, and I did that too.  From there, the rest is history…I dramatically improved my grades, dramatically improved my outlook on life, and I became a competent and successful student and intern and ultimately a Doctor of Chiropractic!

In retrospect, as I reflect back on those early years of chiropractic school, I realize now that I was living out a belief system handed to me by my family and those who surrounded me.  In short, I didn’t expect that much of myself.  To be honest, I wasn’t surprised that I was struggling — I sort of expected it!  I was still reeling emotionally from my mom’s death years before, and I guess that I just assumed that I was supposed to be depressed and suffering, thus I struggled and suffered as a result!

It wasn’t until I took that walk, and decided that failure was not an option for me, that it started to turn around for me.  I wish I would have known then what I know now, because I could have saved myself a lot of suffering and struggling back then!  I realize now that the shift in concentration — that shift in focus — made all the difference in my outlook and ultimate success.

I spent all my time focusing on what I didn’t want to happen — I didn’t want to suffer; I didn’t want to fail; I didn’t want to struggle.  Yet, little did I realize that by focusing on those, I was actually giving them energy and allowing them to become larger and become real!  After taking that walk, I began to focus on succeeding, working harder, putting more effort in, finding enjoyment in my studies, and getting better grades.  Albeit inefficient at the time, I was now giving energy to what I intended to have happen!  I was allowing my success to become reality!

Sometimes we don’t notice the subtle difference between wanting not to fail and wanting to succeed.  Little do we know that focusing on what we don’t want actually gives energy and life to the things we are trying to prevent from happening.

By making that little shift, and focusing on what it is we actually want, we can provide tremendous energy and life to the dreams and goals we possess inside.  By making that little shift, we can realize our true potential, and become the person we ultimately know we are destined to be!


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