Are You Ready to Flip the Switch? |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

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“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” ~Marianne Williamson

You have no idea how good it feels to be writing this post.  The last time I wrote a real, true blog post was last year — December 18 — over a  month ago!  It’s a busy time of year for me.  I teach college courses, and I had some other engagements that consumed my time and energy, and I knew my blog would always be waiting for me when I got back into it, and now is that time!

It’s funny when you get a chance to spend some time away from writing a couple times a week how your mind continues to accumulate ideas and thoughts, and I have been taking a lot of time to reflect on who I am and what I am.  Even though I wasn’t writing, I was thinking — every day — about what the new year was going to mean to me and for me.  I realized that while I have been growing and evolving, it’s time to continue the process and come into my own and focus on one primary objective.

Since I take my work very seriously, I continually search for ways to magnify my message and reach more people.  I have found no problem finding people who are willing to provide their two cents (and more).  I get emails by the ton every day, with suggestions on how to build an empire of followers and how to dominate social media.  I get videos with lots of ideas and read blogs and books with even more ideas on how to be successful and how to take my speaking and writing career to the next level.  One idea I have heard over and over again is that to be successful you have to be controversial.  Those who support this idea claim that you have to write something that causes a “commotion” so you can go viral and get noticed.  That’s not me…Sorry.  I know plenty of people who aren’t controversial and are tremendously successful.  If I am not that way in everyday life, I am not going to be that on my blog or anywhere in the public!

Let me tell you what I am and what I am not.  What I am is someone who cares — who really cares about people, and helping them live better tomorrow than they did today.  That’s who I am!  What I am not is someone who uses people as stepping stones so I can climb the ladder of success.  If you care enough to read this, or any of my posts, or if you care enough to watch my videos or listen to my radio show, then let me tell you this — I care about you!  Truly!  If you have ever talked with me or have met me, you know what you see is what you get.  I am what I am.  And that’s all that I am (thanks Popeye!)

For years I have worried about what people thought about me.  Since I have been in the public eye as a blogger and writer, I worried about saying the “wrong” thing and “losing” followers.  I was so concerned with image and words that I was sometimes ashamed or tentative about sharing an idea or two.  While I was authentic, I wasn’t “fully” authentic, and that has bothered me.

I don’t know if it’s maturity finally catching up with me, or a level of spiritual growth, but I can sense that things are changing within me.  I can sense that I am shifting and moving.  I feel more at peace with myself and in my world.  I am losing that sense of attachment to certain material things and viewing the world through a different lens.  I feel like I am breaking free.  I feel liberated, and I feel ready to embark on a new journey, and I hope you are ready to come with me!

I have a Facebook page; if you haven’t visited it yet and/or if you haven’t “liked” the page yet, I would appreciate it if you stopped by.  I share inspirational quotes and ideas several times a day.  On my Facebook page early this year, I shared with my followers what my concentration was going to be on this year, and I want to share it with you.

This year, I am going to focus on being a “lightworker.”  I know — when I first heard this term, I thought that it meant to take on less of a load — I thought it meant to work “lighter.”  This isn’t the case.  My work as a “lightworker” is to let my light shine and by doing so help others find their “light.”  I am going to do whatever I can to help you find that inner greatness that is within you.  I want you to be able to take those things that you do that you’re not happy about or proud of, and replace them with a new you — the “authentic and awesome” you that resides within you, just waiting to come out.

We all have a greatness that lies within us.  Some of us can see it every day, while some of us are so inundated with drama, despair, frustration, anxiety, and daily problems that we can’t find it.  I want to help you “flip the switch,” and find that inner greatness that resides within you.  I want to help you find that light that can burn strongly within your heart, and completely change your life for the better — and for good!

Are you ready to “flip the switch?”  Are you ready to embark on a journey of discovery of the personal greatness you possess?  I really hope so!  It’s time to stop settling for being just mediocre.  It’s time to stop settling for good enough, and not happy enough.  It’s time to be great.  It’s time to stop being affected by negativity that may surround us; it’s time to stop getting angry at ourselves or others; it’s time to stop letting old habits limit our tremendous potential; it’s time to learn to be more loving and compassionate toward others and find patience.  It’s time to reach within and pull out that wonderful spirit within you that can bring happiness to you and blessings to those around you.  It’s time!  Let’s do it!

I’ve had so much time to reflect, and I have so much to share.  I feel refreshed and renewed!  I look forward to a year of blessings and growth!  I look forward to spending it with you.  Great things are yet to come, and if you stick with me, you’ll figure out that great things are yet to come with you!

Shine on!  Shine on!  Let’s flip the switch and let the light shine!


About the Author

  • Elle says:

    Victor, my dear friend, you are already a lightworker and how marvelous that you are seeing yourself as we out here see you. I too look forward to your year of blessings and expansion of self and soul, because as you shine brighter your light illuminates our world just a little more and I for one am thankful for every bit of light I see.

    Love Elle

    • Victor Schueller says:


      You are so kind. Your words made my day! Thank you for your encouragement and support! I look forward to a great year! 🙂 Thank you so very much!

  • Jodi Chapman says:

    Yay! I loved reading this, Victor! You have such a huge heart, and your light definitely shines through in everything that you do. I’m so grateful for you!

    • Victor Schueller says:


      You are so kind and so supportive. Thank you for your supportive words and encouragement. I am extremely grateful for you too! Take care! 🙂

  • Hi Victor,
    Have a great year my friend. Simplify, don’t worry…focus on what’s important…to You.
    be good to yourself

    • Victor Schueller says:


      You’re absolutely right — I can focus on what’s important to me. That’s all that matters! Well said! Take care and thanks for stopping in!

  • Sandi Amorim says:

    Love your focus on being a lightworker Victor! Seems you already are, so all there is to do is shine ever brighter 😉

    • Victor Schueller says:


      I appreciate your support of my work for this year! I will keep shining brightly, and make it a point to continue to shine brighter each day! Thanks again! 🙂

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