I’m happy to announce that my radio show interview with Joel Runyon of the “Blog of Impossible Things” is finally up and running for people to hear.  I was originally going to do a post about an “Impossible Interview,” not realizing how much of a fiasco it was going to be to host this “impossible interview.” 🙂

I usually join my older daughter for lunch at her school on Tuesday mornings.  I was conducting a training session with a company on Tuesday, so I wasn’t able to join my daughter this past Tuesday.  When conflicts like this occur, I move my “lunch date” to Mondays, and then I move my radio show start time back to 12:30 PM, instead of the normal 12 PM start time.

I came home on Monday, and logged into the studio I use to broadcast my shows.  Once I dialed in, I was told by the system that I only had eight minutes of broadcast time left!  I forgot to push the start time back to 12:30!  Well, I called Joel, and we did the interview, and then I just had to wait until later in the week until I could run the show live and play the recorded interview.  It all worked out in the end, but when I was thinking of doing an “Impossible Interview,” I didn’t mean it literally!

I hope you enjoy my “almost impossible” interview with Joel.  It’s available now by visiting my radio show page.

Have a great day!



About the Author

  • Elle Sommer says:

    Hmmm the idea of an ‘impossible interview’ became a fact…now how does that happen? 🙂

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