Two weeks ago, I did a post on an experiment that I was going to conduct on the power of our words, to demonstrate just how much of effect our words can have on others.
Well, not only other people, but pretty much anything…Like cooked rice, for example.
So, I set up the experiment. Here’s what I did:
I took some rice and cooked it according to the instructions. Next, I divided the rice in half and put each half into identical Tupperware containers. I closed both lids so that the seal was air tight, and then I labeled each container as seen below:
Finally, I broadcast a network stream of the two containers of rice, so that people could view them at any time and send thoughts or even audible words of love and gratitude to one container, and thoughts or audible words of negativity to the other. (Thank you to all of you who participated in the experiment).
I left this feed up for one week, and then I discontinued the feed, and then I just placed the picture above within the post so people could continue to send their thoughts and words to the containers at my home while I was vacationing in Nashville. The entire time that this rice was displayed through the feed or simply sitting there I did not refrigerate the rice. It stayed at room temperature for two weeks.
So, before I get to the results, let me just make a confession to you about this whole thing: I think I may have sent thoughts and words to the rice maybe a handful of times. That’s about it. I wanted to see how much of an effect we could collectively have on the rice, but I wanted to largely leave it up to all of you who were participating!
The results:
Well, at first I didn’t see much of anything. I opened up the top of each container, and they pretty much looked the same. “Bummer,” I thought, full of disappointment. But then, I thought perhaps the top only told part of the story, so I closed the lids on the containers, and flipped over the containers. This is what I saw…
Here’s a picture of the bottom of the “Love and Gratitude” container of rice:
And, here’s a picture of the bottom of the “Hate and Disease” container of rice:
What do you think? Pretty remarkable, huh? I thought so.
So, what does this all mean?
Our words are articulated thoughts. By thinking or saying something, it has a vibrational energy to it.
The components of the universe are made up of charged particles — atoms and molecules made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. They also have a vibrational energy.
When we send out a certain vibrational energy and direct it toward a component of the universe, we establish a vibrational resonant frequency, and it can affect the universal components. I had mentioned the works of Masaru Emoto, who famously takes pictures of water crystals that are exposed to various stimuli to see the effects of the stimuli on them. Similar to the rice experiment, the thoughts and words directed at the water crystals had a profound effect on their shape and geometry.
The reason why I did this experiment was twofold. One, to see this experiment and the results with my own eyes, for validation. Two, to impress upon you how what we think are simple and non-harmful words and thoughts can have an impact on everything around you. It can position you for success and failure. It can help or harm your relationships. It can be the difference between you liking yourself and not liking yourself. It can impact your health and wellbeing, both physically and emotionally.
The next time you think or say something, just remember that if simple words or thoughts can impact a bunch of cooked rice simply sitting in a container at room temperature, they certainly can have a substantial impact on living, breathing beings who co-exist on this planet along with you.
Take heed of your words and thoughts. Never forget the powerful effects they can have on everything around us.
What are your thoughts about this experiment? How does it affect your viewpoint of the power or our words and thoughts? I’d love to hear from you! Scroll down and leave a comment, and I’ll respond.
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Incredible, Victor! Kudos to you for thinking up the experiment and then letting it go. The results clearly speak for themselves. Coincidence? I think not!
Hi Beth, it was fun doing the experiment. It came about when I had a conversation with my friend, who did the same thing and she showed me the results, so I wanted to do it too. Our results ended up the same, which is really cool. Thanks for coming by! I appreciate it, and stop by any time.
Wow! Loving this! Now I need to write another post to connect to this new one! I Love Love Love this proof! Amazing!!!
Hi Melissa. Yes, isn’t it amazing? Thanks for following up and connecting the new post! I appreciate it. Take care and best wishes to you. 🙂
I gotta ask. . . what was IN there? Looks like mold or something, but I just have to know.
Hey Jess, great to see you here!
As far as what was in there, it was some sort of moldy-type of growth, but I didn’t take too close of a look. I saw everything I needed to see. It did have a funky odor too. Blech…
Powerful stuff!
Thanks for coming by! I appreciate it!