That’s what I led myself to believe for years. After all, I had evidence to support that fact, going back to my childhood years. When I was in elementary school, we were asked to do fundraisers. I had all the ambition, even walking up to a mile to find people who would buy from me (I lived out in the country, so there weren’t too many neighbors close by), but unfortunately, no matter who I visited, they all said no when I asked them to buy something.
After a while, I became discouraged, and began to absolutely hate it when I was asked to participate in fundraising efforts. “People won’t buy from me anyway,” I thought. “I am just bothering them,” I thought, and eventually, I just left the materials at home, and I never ventured outside my front door to engage in any selling efforts.
In college, I worked at a mall in the customer service department. We were not only to work the customer service desk, but also to try to get people to sign up for the mall’s “perk” program, where they gained incentives for shopping.
“I hate trying to push things on to people that they don’t want,” I thought. “If they wanted to buy, they’d come asking what I am promoting,” I thought. “I’m just bothering people who just want to shop,” I thought.
“After all, I am a bad salesman anyway.”
I’d never enjoyed selling anything, and I’d always thought I was bad at it.
However, I’ve learned, over time, that it just isn’t true. It was only true because I believed it. Perception is reality, right?
I applied for a job at an insurance agency, and the agent asked me to sell him a picture frame sitting on his desk. I started by asking questions about what he looks for in a picture frame and what he would use it for. He was blown away by my approach.
I can convince people to buy things that I believe in, even if I don’t use the product myself. I’ve encouraged people to do something like this many times.
I worked at a restaurant which was looking for more people to work there, and I either directly or indirectly recruited and got five people jobs there.
So, yes, clearly, in certain contexts, I thought myself into believing I was a horrible salesperson, while at the same time, in other contexts, I was easily sharing the value of certain things to the point where people were convinced and were “sold” on my “pitch.”
So, what was the difference between the two contexts? Simple.
In one context, no matter how hard I tried to “sell,” I secretly believed that the person would not buy. In the other, I had no resistance.
It’s not about removing the limitations. The limitations I faced were only there because there was resistance to the idea of selling. My thoughts were incongruent. I was pitching a product, but my inner self was saying “they’re going to say no.”
My resistance was high. I didn’t believe I had it in me.
Whereas, in the other instances, where I was able to convince people, there was no resistance. My thoughts and actions were in line. I was allowing the desired outcome to come to me, and I didn’t resist or believe I didn’t have a chance before I even started. That was the difference!
Is there something that you’re struggling with? Is there a “story” you’ve been telling yourself, and knowing fully that you’ve been believing it, even though it’s not true? Have you been fighting to overcome the limitations you are placing upon yourself?
If so, focus on allowing things to come to you. Allow yourself to just “let it in.” Believe in yourself. Allow more. Resist less. Give in. Let it all in!
I’ve found myself that when you simply allow, and don’t fight or tell yourself how you can’t do something, your actions and thoughts find themselves in alignment, and when they find alignment, you are primed to let the good things happen and come to you.
I’d love to hear from you! Do you have limitations or “stories” that you’ve told yourself, such as mine, where I thought I was a bad salesperson? Does this article resonate with you? Is it helpful? I’d love to hear from you. Scroll down and leave your comments, and I promise to respond!
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This is brilliant Victor ~ I love the concept of increasing our allowance! We can give ourselves a raise! Ask – Believe – Receive <3
Hi Martine,
I am so glad you enjoyed this and that it spoke to you. I like your contribution — “give ourselves a raise!” That’s a novel way to look at it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and taking the time to stop by! I appreciate it.
Your story reminded me so much of my own limiting beliefs that I carried from my youth. From a very early age, I was convinced that I couldn’t write creatively. I could write research papers and other “dry” material but nothing creative. English teachers and other early influences reinforced this belief.
Then, well into my forties, I started to write for my new site. Because I wasn’t attached to the outcome (grades or praise) and simply wanted to help others, I kept writing and learning how to write better. Years later I discovered that I love to write and can write well! Sometimes I wish I had broken the old spell earlier but I know that everything happens in perfect time.
Thanks so much for sharing your story! Isn’t it something how we carry those stories with us, so convinced they are true, and then we keep making them true by believing them and retelling them! I am so glad that your release of the attachment was the critical step for you moving forward. What a wonderful story and inspiration! Thanks again for sharing! Please come again any time! 🙂
This is such an interesting approach, Victor – increasing our allowing. I definitely have the same story of not being a good salesperson, but I’ve also raised millions of dollars. Just like you, the story doesn’t totally line up. We humans are so fascinating!
So glad to hear from you! You’re absolutely right – as you write those words, you know that things aren’t lining up. That is pretty fascinating. You take care of yourself and come back any time!
Hello Victor, I like the idea of allowing it in. I believe that abundance is available. But we are the ones who put up the resistances!
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