I spent a few years of my life in a deep depression. To be honest, I have a difficult time remembering much from those years. All I remember is that I felt like life was going on “out there,” but I felt like my head was in a fog. I didn’t have much perspective of what was coming in the future, and I quickly forgot the events of the past. I wandered aimlessly, with no direction, motivation, or purpose. I felt like I was navigating through a labyrinth in the dark, slowly and clumsily navigating through life. It was a dark and sad time for me.
Thankfully, over time, I was able to shake the depression, but if I were to know of a way to have overcome the depression sooner, I would have been so appreciative in so many ways. That’s why I am so thrilled to be inviting guest Craig Meriwether, author of the book Depression 180: How To Eliminate Depression, Self-Sabotage, Guilt and Anger Without Medication, on to my show for this week!
Craig has been described as a “wake-up” call, giving people the tools and information they need to energize and revitalize their lives, enabling them to end depression and create a life of happiness.
Craig is the author of the best selling programs Mind Mastery Blueprint and Depression 180 about which Wendy Love creator and author of the award winning blog DepressionGateway.com says: “This is one of the best, most thorough books on depression I have read – and I have read most of them. It is the most thorough account of all of the strategies you could possibly employ to manage depression.”
Craig is also a featured author in the New York Times bestselling book Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live your Best Life Now! along with Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff and Janet Attwood. He is also host of the popular blog talk radio show – The Mastermind Show interviewing experts in mind, body and spiritual transformation.
Like me, Craig struggled with depression for a long time, and I am looking forward to hearing what he has to say about how we can live a better life.
If you’re interested in finding out more about Craig, or you are interested in connecting, you can visit Craig’s website: www.craiginreallife.com.
I hope you join me and listen to our conversation! Join us live at 12 PM Central on Monday, My 6th, or if you can’t listen live, you can click on the microphone below and listen to an archive!
Do You Need a Mindset Makeover? – An Interview with Vironika Tugaleva| VictorSchueller.com
Tapping into Universal Knowledge with Melody Fletcher | VictorSchueller.com
Can I Make Money and Success Appear out of Thin Air? | VictorSchueller.com
Need a “Life Check?” Get 15 Free Gifts! | VictorSchueller.com
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