Live Your Magnificence! |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Uncategorized

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Join me for this week’s interview on Monday, April 22 at 12 PM Central!

To listen to the interview, click HERE! I will be welcoming Brenda Strausz to my radio show this week!

Brenda Strausz

There are some topics that fascinate me, but I don’t know much about them, and so when I can have someone join me to talk about one of these topics, I am thrilled!  I happened to cross paths a few months ago with my guest for this week, Brenda Strausz, and I discovered that she has experience and knowledge about something called “Emotional Freedom Technique,” or EFT and “tapping.”

If you have absolutely no idea what EFT or tapping is, then you won’t want to miss today’s interview, because we are going to discuss those two items, among other things! 🙂

Brenda is a holisitic psychotherapist and coach with a practice in the Metro Detroit area. She coaches people all over the world by phone and Skype. Brenda uses a combination of conventional modalities like hypnosis, the work of Louise Hay, EFT tapping, mindfulness, and the law of attraction in her work. She is dedicated to helping people uncover and live in their their full magnificence.

If you want to learn more about Brenda, I invite you to visit her website,, as well as connecting with her on Facebook by clicking HERE.

Listen in today and find out just how you can be on your way to living your own magnificence! 🙂

Facebook user? Click the “Like” button below for daily inspiration, and I’ll even throw in an electronic copy of my popular “Antidote” to the mediocre mind as a “thank you!” (And I’ll do a little happy dance when I see you’ve liked my page too) 🙂



About the Author
