There’s No Time Like “Now” Time |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

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“Only the ego operates in the past and the future, the soul and God work only in the present.” ~Craig Beck

My wife and I are in the thick of the holiday season, getting ready for another fun couple of weeks with our wonderful daughters, ages seven and three.  We got our holiday shopping done early, but the presents are still in bags, waiting to be wrapped.  Now, we stand only one week away from the big day, and we still have so much to do!

For me, personally, I am preparing to have a lot on my plate to start the new year.  I will be teaching my usual load of college courses, and then I will be adding another teaching assignment.  I was honored to be asked by my former college anatomy professor to fill in for her this spring semester, and teach her anatomy course.  Maintaining this rigorous schedule would be enough, but then throw on top of it maintaining my website, finding time to write a book, and carving out some more speaking engagements.  I’m beginning to wonder where I will find the time to manage it all! 

When we get busy, it’s easy for us to look at this huge list of “tasks” or goals that stand before us.  The list can be daunting if we look at it all at once.  We think about the things that have to be done, and it can cause great anxiety within us.  If you let it, it can literally keep you up at night!  Each time I start to look ahead at a large number of responsibilities to attend to, I think back to the most influential words I have ever read, coming  from Craig Beck’s book, The Secret Law of Subconscious Attraction.  Those words are: “Only the ego operates in the past and the future, the soul and God work only in the present.”

I love that!  It’s so true!  The ego loves to remind us of our failures — the things we didn’t get done today.  It adds frustration to our lives, and if we let it, it becomes a part of us.  We believe we are failures, and we start living our lives as failures!  The ego loves to place that self doubt within us about our capabilities to accomplish what lies ahead of us.  It loves to tell us that we’re not quite good enough.  We start to contemplate giving up before we start, because we’re not capable.

Both are false — we are not failures, and we are indeed capable!  We just have to believe it!

The past can also make us complacent…We can look back at our successes and think the work is over.  We’ve accomplished what we needed to and we can rest on our laurels and enjoy the ride.  That’s nonsense as well!  We are born to be better than that!  Every new day is a gift to accomplish something!  Every new day is an opportunity to grow and develop!

So, when we look at this daunting list of things to accomplish, or missed opportunities from days gone by, what can we do to overcome the worry, doubt, and anxiety?  We can live in the “now.”  The ego doesn’t exist in the present.  Only our pure self exists there!

Do you have a long list of things to accomplish?  Write them down on the list.  Start with item number one, and work until number one is accomplished.  Cross it off.  Move on to number two.  Work until that’s done.  Cross it off.  Keep going.  One at a time.

By doing this, you will be working in the present moment at all times.  You are focused on what is right in front of your eyes in the here and now.  Your list will always be there, so you’ll know what’s next as you move through the list, but you will harness the supreme power of “now” time.  You’ll be more efficient; you’ll get more done; you’ll feel extreme accomplishment as you look back on what you did in that “now” time.

When things get tough and the list grows long, remember — there’s no time like “now” time!


This is my last post for 2012.  It’s been a great year!  Thank you all who helped me become #23 on the list of the “Top 50 Personal Development Blogs!”  I am so appreciative!  Thank you all for your support this past year.  2012 was a great year.  I can’t wait to see what 2013 brings!  I wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2013!  Best wishes to you always!


About the Author

  • Sandi Amorim says:

    This quote “Only the ego operates in the past and the future, the soul and God work only in the present.” resonates deeply. And like you, I love my lists, although I also realize lists don’t work for many. But for me, there’s a pretty juicy sense of satisfaction in getting things done 🙂

    Great post to complete the year Victor, and congratulations on the Top 50 list!

    • Victor Schueller says:

      I can use lists more effectively myself, Sandi. I guess I could label that a “new year’s resolution,” right? Have a wonderful and prosperous new year, and thanks for the congratulations. Congratulations to you also for making the list! Wonderful!

      Take care!

  • Elle says:

    Oh Victor this is just perfect for me – I need to hear this often. I was only thinking yesterday how many times I become daunted at what I want to do. Not even what I have to do…but things I want to accomplish and have to remind myself to just focus on the first one.

    Yes, I definitely need to simply live in the now as far as tasks are concerned.

    Love Elle

    • Victor Schueller says:


      I am glad it was a timely message for you! We always have opportunities for growth! I know I sure do in many of my own ways! It’s a matter of focus, like you suggested.

      Happy holidays!

  • Hi Victor,
    If it means enough…..then you will find the time. Good luck with it all. The key is always in the ‘meaning’.
    be good to yourself

    • Victor Schueller says:


      My wife and I were both saying EXACTLY the same thing a few weeks ago when discussing how some people can’t figure out how some people get so much done in a small amount of time! You hit it right on the head!

      Take care! Thanks for stopping by!

  • This is so right on Victor! I needed to read each and every word. I remind myself that I have the same amount of time as Hellen Keller and Mother Teresa;) Happy New Year present moment living will make it that way!

    • Victor Schueller says:

      I love that Tess! Yes, we do have the same amount of time that the greats did! I know I fall into the trap of not scheduling my time as effectively as I could, wasting that time that could have been used a bit more efficiently! I love that point! Happy holidays! 🙂

  • Great article. I definitely believe that living in the present moment is the key to happiness. Getting caught up in the past or future will only cause us to miss the opportunities at hand.

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  • Suzie Cheel says:

    Timely Victor and I need to read and reread this and then take action. I have decided that my word for 2013 will be focus. Your suggested course of action suggests focus-
    I must say that long list can paralize me and procrastination can be the result, then I do lose focus and often miss opportunities etc. I am now today going to make a new list and look at what I will release and what I will move forward with.

  • J.D. Meier says:

    Beautiful quote — I’m an avid collector of great quotes.

    I’m a fan of lists, and whenever I think of great lists, I can’t help but to think of My Name is Earl.

    I’m a fan of the practice, “Trim the Tree.” I dump my tasks down onto paper, but before I execute them, I rate and rank them. If I have too many things that are less than an 8 on a scale of 1-10 in terms of value, then I reassess what’s on my plate.

    I try to keep a small plate that I cycle through fast, while flowing value along the way.

    It’s what I call getting results, the agile way.

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  • Ben says:

    Thankyou for the article Victor. That is something i’m really working on, I have my list of habits to work on every day to make them consistent and am focusing on 1 at a time.

    I really love it when you get into that state when it’s just flowing and you without thinking you’ve got everything done and are still focused and ready to go. 🙂

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