Awesome Without Realizing |

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems


“I want people to walk around delusional about how great they can be – and then to fight so hard for it every day that the lie becomes the truth.” ~Lady Gaga

One of the things I love about watching my children (and other children too) is their lack of inhibition.  They love to sing, dance, draw, color, laugh, tease, and experiment.  I love the innocence of young children — how everything is new and exciting.  It’s such a treat to be able to have a conversation with my younger daughter, because I can witness first hand the life, vigor, and enthusiasm she shares for so many experiences in her life!  I just love it!

Children are so absolutely awesome — without realizing.  Their naivete and newness to the ways of the world reveals a pure image of their subconscious.  It’s like looking through clear water at the bottom of a river.  You can see what lies below, free of any murky sediment or overgrown vegetation.  We can learn so much from children, yet many times we simply laugh about how credulous they can be at times, or simply humor their enthusiasm for newly-made life discoveries, because we just plain know better, or have seen it all already.  I’ve been guilty of both, and I could stand to take another look at the pureness of the innocence of youth, as I attempt to discover some of that same awesomeness that resides inside of me.

We all are truly awesome, deep within.  At our most basic and most fundamental level, there is a true awesomeness that resides in all of us, just waiting to be rediscovered.  Within us all is someone who is loving, compassionate, truthful, empathetic  and generous.  Within us all is an aspect of the divine — that absolutely perfect model of a person we would love to be. 

It’s there, just waiting to be discovered — within me; within you; within all of us.  The problem is that years of conditioning have led us to believe that we are something else besides awesome.  We have been led to believe that our egos run the show.  Our self image and attachments define who we are, along with how we have chosen to react to life’s circumstances.  Our trials and tribulations have “hardened” us and have taught us valuable lessons.  We have suffered through heartache and disappointment, only to come out of these difficult times believing that we are better because of it.

Are we really better because of the adversity we have faced?  Would we be just as strong and resilient if we had not suffered through difficulties?  It’s hard to say, because we can’t create alternative universes to test whether or not that would be the case.  All we are left to do is realize that our life experiences have shaped our beliefs and how we feel about the circumstances we have faced, we currently face, and will face in the future.

Unlike children, whose subconscious lies clearly below the water, our subconscious lies buried beneath years of debris and dirt; beneath overgrown vegetation and murky water.  Our conscious minds along with the ego have assumed control, telling us about how we either are above average when compared to others or not worthy of being around some other people.  The result?  We end up hurting other people and hurting ourselves, simply because we desire to give the ego what it wants.  The problem is the ego is never happy — it’s never satisfied!

Our conscious minds create clutter for us — a distraction from our true and authentic selves.  We deserve better.  After all, we are better!

What reality are we creating for ourselves?  What are we leading ourselves to believe?  What are you telling yourself about yourself?  Are you telling yourself that there is pure awesomeness inside of you, or are you telling yourself that your days of being awesome are over, just like your childhood? 

What beliefs that were handed to you during your childhood are you still carrying with you today?  Are you saying and doing the same things that your parents and other adult role models did?  Are those words and deeds productive and beneficial?  Are they bringing out the awesomeness within you, or are they feeding your ego, helping it muddy up the waters?

What are you saying to yourself?  What are you believing?  Is it time to re-write the script of your life with more productive and positive reminders of the greatness that lies within you?  Is it time to believe that you can do anything you choose to accept as true?

It’s time to clean up the water — it’s time to believe in yourself again.  It’s time to find the awesomeness that lies within you, just waiting to be rediscovered — and uncovered!  It’s easy to get started.  All you need to do is believe that there is greatness within you, and start finding it by practicing love and compassion, directed at anyone who is going through the human experience.

Be loving — be compassionate.  Walk a mile in another person’s shoes…Practice gratitude for the blessings you have come to experience in your life.  Make the shift to positivity and contemplating what’s possible.  You can get what you want in life when you are your awesome self.

It’s time to again be awesome — without realizing.  It’s time to uncover the great you!  It’s your time!  Go and be awesome!


P.S. My guest on last week’s radio show, Melody Fletcher, wrote an article about what we say to ourselves.  I invite and encourage you to check it out.  It’s a great piece!  You can access it by clicking HERE!


About the Author

  • shaun says:

    inspirational words. loved reading it. thanks victor

  • Vidya Sury says:

    This post is so close to my own heart. I am constantly thrilled watching children, Victor – and always fret how the conditioning sets in via the process of growing up. Sigh. There’s much to learn from children! They smile easily, trust easily, forgive easily and never hesitate to celebrate with gusto.

    Lovely post. Thank you – such a pleasure to read it!

  • Awesome it is Victor!
    Be Awesome….
    and be good to yourself

  • Wonderful post, Victor! I have often thought that if we could be like a 5 year old (I am a preschool teacher) then we could get back to that happy place that we all search for. Thank you for the inspiration!

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Betsy, I am so glad you enjoyed the post! 🙂 Yes, if we could only have the childish wonder and confidence, we could move mountains like nothing. I am glad you stopped by! Thanks! 🙂

  • Elle says:

    It’s an awesome post Victor. You hit the nail right on the head. I believe, as you do, that greatness lies in us all, sometimes it’s just covered over by all the rubbish that we’ve accepted or consented to as true. 🙂

    Love Elle

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Elle, I am so glad you enjoyed the post! You are so right — it’s the “rubbish” that we’ve perceived to be true…Not that it necessarily is, but we have accepted it to be true. Thank you for stopping by! 🙂

  • Nikky44 says:

    That’s a great post!! Children are awesome. Everyone is awesome in his own way.

    • Victor Schueller says:

      Hey Nikky! Nice to hear from you! I hope all is well with you. Thank you for the kind words. Yes, you are right about that — everyone is awesome! Thanks for coming by and commenting! 🙂

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