Let’s Get down to Business (And LOA) Today! | VictorSchueller.com

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Brain and mind



Are you ready to get down to business?

You are invited to take a seat and join me for my radio show on Monday, October 29 at 12:00 PM Central!

You can listen by clicking HERE!

I will be welcoming guest Melody Fletcher of Deliberate Receiving.

Melody is amazing.  She has such a profound knowledge of the Law of Attraction and she is an absolute expert when it comes to breaking down this law into ways that anyone can understand.  She joined me a couple of months ago, and we had such a great time that I wanted to have her come back — this time to discuss how we can use the Law of Attraction in business applications.

If you don’t know what the Law of Attraction (LOA) is, I can sum it up for you by saying that it’s a way of asking for help in turning your wishes or requests into reality.  When you know how to do this, you find that things start to happen in a way that makes your wishes and requests come true!  Wouldn’t that be awesome in workplace applications?  I think so!

What I love about Melody is she “doesn’t believe that spirituality or personal development have to be so damn serious all the time.”  Through tons of free articles, audios and blog posts, as well as her LOA Membership Site, she helps people to finally make some freaking sense of LOA, and to remember who they really are, so they can annoy their friends and co-workers with their new-found happiness.

She dares you to subject yourself to the pure awesomeness of her wisdom, by checking out her site at DeliberateReceiving.com.

If you are new to the concept of LOA, I invite you, of course, to listen to our interview, but I also highly recommend taking up Melody’s offer, and checking out her site.  There is a ton of information there, and you’ll find her blog posts to be invigorating, informative, and uplifting.

Join me today, and let’s get down to business (and some LOA)!

Don’t miss the interview!


About the Author

  • Vidya Sury says:

    Wonderful interview! Melody Fletcher and Victor Schueller! Very very uplifting!

  • […] can transform and manipulate the positive energies, which can have powerful effects, and very often, just making small changes bring huge positive results. These changes can make you […]

  • Thanks Vidya! I re-uploaded the show, so now you can hear it without silence at the beginning! 🙂

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