Flip The Switch | VictorSchueller.com

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems


“I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear.” ~Oprah Winfrey

I just received an email, stating that my interview on the show “Spiritually Raw” is available online.  I was contacted and asked if I was interested in being on the show, and I thought, “Why not?”  I interview people all the time, and so it’s nice to be interviewed once in a while too! 🙂  I invite you to follow this link and check it out.  Vote for me when you’re there too, so I can be asked to be on again.  It was a fun time!

I was asked during the interview if it’s really that easy just to change your mind and change your life.  Can you really just “flip the switch” and make the change?

My answer was that yes, theoretically it’s easy to do, but in reality many people struggle.

So if you are confronted with a difficult situation — one that causes you to make a choice in how you approach and address it, what do you do?  It feels so good to let the other person “have it,” and give them a piece of your mind.  Research has revealed that the area of our brain that derives pleasure from seeing someone get a “taste of their own medicine” is the same area that gives us pleasure when we eat chocolate.

We also learn from observing.  If we’re surrounded by people who cope with discomfort by acting out or being aggressive, we passively accept that this is the appropriate way to behave, and without even thinking, we may tend to act in the same manner when we feel uncomfortable.

The reality is this — many people, when confronted with a difficult situation, resort to coping mechanisms that are built upon a belief system that is rooted in fear and scarcity.  This means that they are in a defensive physiological condition, which means they are engaged in (what is supposed to be) a short-term stress response.  They are acting out the “fight or flight” mechanism.  While our muscles are getting much of the blood that is distributed to our body, our brain gets deprived.  Now, not only are we trying to cope with our discomfort stemming from this difficult situation, but we also face the problem of a lack of a proper blood supply to the noggin.

Additionally, our reptilian brain is kicking in, emotionally hijacking the rest of our brain, so logic, rationalization, and positivity usually go out the window.

So what do we do?  How do we deal with this difficult situation?  The answer is to “flip the switch.”  Ask yourself three questions:

Question 1: How do I feel, emotionally, about this right now?

Question 2: Do I like how I feel about this emotion?

Question 3: If I don’t like this emotion, how would I like to feel, emotionally, about this right now?

The answer to question three is key.  This is the “switch.”  Yes, it can be done, just like that, but in reality, it is oh so hard to do it just like that.

“Flip the switch.”  Easier said than done, but if done, it can really change your life.  Think about what you intend to have happen, drive it with positive energy, allow that energy of the positive thought to grow in mass.  Remember, what you think about grows!

Grow positively.  “Flip the switch.” Be a “better” person tomorrow than today.  Choose what you know is more desirable for you — choose love and compassion over fear and scarcity.

That’s the “switch.”  Now go “flip” it!

Photo: Courtesy of http://www.rainerberg.de/


About the Author

  • Jodi Chapman says:

    So good, Victor! I’m just loving this post so much. It’s absolutely true that we ALWAYS have the power to flip the switch. And so often we forget that because of our belief systems. And it really can be that easy, once we get into the practice of it. I am a huge believer that we create our own reality, and positively is definitely worth flipping the switch for. 🙂

    • Victor Schueller says:


      I am glad you enjoyed the post! 🙂 The practice of it, as you say, is the tough part. We do create our reality, but finding the courage and the willpower to stick to practicing this is the most challenging part, as I have found. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by! I really appreciate it!

  • Vidya Sury says:

    Conditioning is an amazing thing – and works both ways, no? I love how you put it “Flip the switch” – if we can do it for negative things, can’t be very different to do it for positive stuff. It just takes the willingness to do it.

    Wonderful post. So happy to hear that you were being interviewed, for a change, Victor. Heading over there now.

    Love, Vidya

    • Victor Schueller says:


      Didn’t think of it that way when I was writing it, but you’re absolutely right — we can flip the switch for negative feelings/thoughts so easily, so why can’t we do the opposite? Great point. Thanks for articulating that so well! 🙂

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