Cyberbullying Discussion with Holli Kenley – The Importance of Empathy

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Brain and mind

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I had a great interview today with Author and Therapist Holli Kenley on the topic of cyber bullying.  I didn’t really know what it was or what was involved, but I got a great education on it today!  We talked for so long that I will be breaking the talk into three sections — the first section is available today, and then the other two will be available later this week.

One of the many take-aways from our discussion today was the importance of empathy and its role in bullying on all levels and all types.  The erosion of empathy in our society, due largely impart to an imbalance of the use of technology, is contributing to cyberbullying and other types of bullying.

To hear the first part of the interview, click on the microphone below.  Here’s more information about Holli.  It was a great discussion!


I am thrilled to have Author and Therapist Holli Kenley on with me!  Holli is going to discuss the topic of cyber bullying on the show on Tuesday.  I am so excited to hear what she has to share with us!

Holli Kenley is a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist . She holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling. She has worked in a variety of settings: a women’s shelter, a counseling center and in private practice. Counseling with adolescents, teens, young and older adults, Holli’s areas of training and experience include sexual trauma, abuse, addiction, codependency, domestic violence, betrayal and cyber bullying. Holli is the author of numerous published articles and in 2010, she authored her second book, Breaking Through Betrayal: And Recovering the Peace Within. Recently released are two e-singles: Betrayal-Proof Your Relationship: What Couples Need To Know And Do and cyber bullying no more: Parenting a High Tech Generation.

Find out more about Holli by visiting my Weekly Spotlight Page!

Don’t miss the interview!

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About the Author
