Why the eliminating the “F” word would make our lives so much better

By Dr. Victor Schueller | Relationships health family business friends community culture work school life blogs blogging


“You can choose to be motivated by fear and scarcity or love and abundance. Both work. The only difference is people who choose fear and scarcity suffer more along the road to success. The critical thinking question is; why suffer if you don’t have to?” ~Steve Siebold

If we could only get rid of the “F” word, we would find our relationships and lives would be much better.

Without the “F” word, we would have fewer arguments, less bullying, and more civil conversations.

Without the “F” word, we wouldn’t be selfish and self serving, and we would look out for each other and serve each other’s best interests.

Without the “F” word, we would be more empathetic, less competitive, and less envious of others.

“Fear” does it all to us.  It’s that “F” word that we all have to deal with and overcome.  Fear is what got us here (if you believe in the evolutionary theory) because it’s allowed us to detect something that was potentially harmful and avoid it so we could live to see another day.

Our brains are built with survival in mind — our unconscious mind was designed to keep us safe.  We don’t feel comfortable doing something new, because the unconscious mind likes to be “comfortable” with the routines it identifies as safe and non-harmful.  When we try a new routine, or are exposed to a new situation which we are unfamiliar with, we feel uncomfortable and a bit uneasy.

We are built to preserve ourselves and the status quo.  If what got us here today was safe, then continuing that same process will get us to tomorrow.  Fear kicks in when we fear the loss of something.  What are some things we can fear losing?  Here’s a partial list:

Fear of losing:

  • Contsancy/The status quo
  • Pride/self-esteem
  • Comfort
  • Money/resources
  • Being happy
  • Lucky Green Bay Packers jersey/other treasured posession
  • Special treamtent
  • Special status/being unique
  • Being center of attention
  • Good/unhurt feelings
  • Convenience
  • Competitive advantage
  • Being included
  • Control

Fear of losing something is based on a “scarcity-based” mindset, meaning that there is a finite supply of the items listed above.  When we feel things are scarce we desire to preserve or protect ourselves, and we develop an “ego based” consciousness, which is a result of a self-preservation mindset.  When this happens we become more self-centered and less aware (and considerate) of others.

So, to overcome our scarcity-based mindset, which is based off of fear, we need to look to embrace more love, gratitude and forgiveness.  When we express gratitude, love, and forgiveness toward others, we start to look at things from a more “abundant” mindset.  Love, forgiveness, and gratitude are in limitless quantities — you don’t run out of them!

When things are in abundance we desire to reach out to others to share.  We develop an “spirit-based” consciousness, which is a result of a collaborative mindset, and we become less self-centered and more aware (and considerate) of other people and their needs and wants.

I challenge you to identify ways in which you are allowing the “F” word to get between you and a spirit-based consciousness forged out of an abundant mindset.  Look for ways in which you can express more love, gratitude, and forgiveness toward others.  You will find that you will place less pressure upon yourself, and you will be much more happy and fulfilled as a result.

Let go of the “F” word in your daily life, and experience the joy of abundance and spirituality!

Have a great day!



About the Author

  • I love the concept of ‘spirit-based consciousness’…it speaks to me!

  • That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing!

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