“Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.” ~Unknown

What if I told you that you can make a dramatic change in your life this year just by focusing on one key thing?  Maybe it sounds overly simplistic, but it’s true.  There is one aspect of you that is entirely within your control, which is the key to accomplishing great things.

Here’s you key to personal transformation — focus on one important area of your brain – the conscious mind.  Here’s the challenge — you can’t find the “mind” anywhere in the brain.  It’s one of the mysteries in science that challenges us to this day.  What cannot be debated is that the mind does exist — we just can’t find where it “lives.”

Your mind chooses to allow you to engage in positive self talk, versus negative self talk; your mind chooses to listen with full empathy and allow others to express their needs and wants; your mind allows you to perceive what happens to you and it chooses to interpret the information it collects.  These become your opinions, judgments, intents, reactions, and actions.

If you can control your mind, you can control everything in your life.  You can live a fulfilled life; you can have better relationships; you can overcome fear; you can be more empathetic and understanding of others; you can be kinder; you can  do ANYTHING.

If you’re still looking for a resolution for the new year, make a resolution to learn more about how the mind can impact every aspect of your life, and how by taking control of it you can change virtually any aspect of your life.  It will be a major focus of mine this year to help you understand how the brain, along with the areas within, can significantly impact our lives on a daily basis.  I want to help you learn how to control your mind to positively impact your life, and I would love to have you join me in this journey.

Learn how to control your mind to reach your greatest potential, and there’s no stopping you!

What can you do today to start working on controlling your mind to have a positive impact on your life?  Here are some suggestions.

1. Whenever you feel uncomfortable (angry, upset, hurt, jealous, resentful, etc.), recognize that your uncontrollable unconscious mind is ramping up and preparing your conscious mind to attack or be defensive.  Listen to my radio show about this concept by clicking here.  You only have a few fleeting moments to recognize your feelings and remind yourself to intervene (consciously).  By simply telling yourself, “I am not going to emotionally react to this right now” is a great start.  Taking deep breaths will help deactivate your excitable nervous system, known as the sympathetic nervous system.

2. Look at other people’s opinions as just that — others have rights to their opinions, and you have the right to yours.  Again, don’t emotionally react to others’ opinions.  Remember that everyone interprets their environment differently depending on multiple factors.  You don’t have to agree with them.  You don’t have to participate in every fight you’re invited to!

3. Whenever you engage in some sort of interaction with another individual, especially someone whom you don’t know well, approach them with the mindset and purpose of establishing a connection with them.  Make it your conscious goal to establish a harmonious relationship with them.  Small talk about the weather, something humorous, or self-depreciating humor usually is a good way to break the ice and build a positive interaction.  Make it your goal to build a bridge between you and the other person.

4. Remember you always have a choice.  You can always choose how you will react to a situation.  You can always choose what you say or what you do.  Wen you feel your emotions are taking over, the lower, more primitive areas of the brain are taking over your actions, and you need to re-invigorate the higher, more refined areas of the brain to allow you to take back conscious control of your actions and words.

5. Above all, remember that YOU control your own destiny.  Your life is not predicated on what other people say or do.  To allow others to make you feel bad is to allow others to control your life!  You are in control of your feelings — 100%.  Don’t allow others to have so much power or control over your life.  You are master of your own domain.

While I could go on, these five steps will do well to get you started.

Let me know how these work for you!  Take care and best wishes!


Photo source: freedigitalphotos.net


About the Author
