A Worthy Investment | VictorSchueller.com

By Dr. Victor Schueller | belief systems

“Whatever results you’re getting, be they rich or poor, good or bad, positive or negative, always remember that your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world. If things aren’t going well in your outer life, it’s because things aren’t going well in your inner life. It’s that simple.” ~T. Harv Eker

E=mc² — Ask almost anyone who is an adult and they will recognize this equation.  We attribute that equation to the great Albert Einstein, and when we think of this equation, we usually think of an application related to physics.  Did you know that this equation can also be used as a determinant of whether you live a life of continual suffering, complaining, worrying, anger, frustration, and resentment, or whether you live a life of continual love, abundance, compassion, empathy, fulfillment, happiness, and gratitude?  Well, it’s true!

Take some time to look at what activities in which you find yourself engaged.  Do you spend your time complaining about things which with you do not agree?  Do you stand back and look at all the bad things that are happening to you, completely powerless to the circumstances in which you find yourself?

There was a time where I didn’t see the world as I do now.  There was a time when it felt good to tease other people.  There was a time when it felt good to judge and criticize others.  There was a time when I got myself so stressed out about thinking about the past, and worrying about the future.  There was also a time when my life was just miserable, with much suffering and unhappiness, and I wondered why other people seemed to have “everything” just fall into place, while I couldn’t enjoy those same things.  I wondered why some people enjoyed so much abundance, while I just scraped by with very little.  I wondered, “How could other people find so much happiness?”

Now, having the benefit of hindsight and perspective, I realize that the reason why I was not finding happiness in my life was because my life was a reflection of the activities in which I was invested.  I’m not proud of how I spent my time complaining, criticizing, judging, and teasing others.  Not at all.   “Things” would happen to me all the time — unfortunate “things,” and then I got angry about it…I complained about those “things,” feeling powerless to change anything.  I was a victim of circumstance, and I was a complaining, criticizing, judging, and miserable soul.

My life was a product of my investment of energy…


When you look at this equation, the “E” stands for “energy;” the “m” stands for “mass;” the “c” stands for “the speed of light.”  When balancing an equation, when a value increases on the left side of the “equals” sign, you need to increase the value on the right side by the same amount.  Because the speed of light is considered a constant, we only can play with the values of the “energy” and the “mass.”

We are energy at our most fundamental level.  Our bodies are energy, and our thoughts are energy.  By investing increasing the energy related to complaining, criticizing  and judging, I was increasing the “E” on the left side of the equation.  This means that the “m” has to increase on the right side.  When I invested my energy in these types of behaviors, I was growing them (in mass)!  It’s no wonder why my life was reflecting back to me all the negativity and “dark” energy!

If we invest in complaining and criticizing and judging, we grow that.  If we invest in being loving, compassionate, generous, and empathic, we will grow that.

It’s time to look at your emotional investment portfolio…When you look at what you have been “investing,” is it consistent with what you have been “getting?”  Remember, we were meant to be loving, compassionate, and empathic.  The easiest way to make those positive qualities grow is to “invest” in them by modeling what you want to come back to you!

Invest wisely!  Invest positively!  It surely is a worthy investment.

P.S. Thanks to Dianne Collins, Author of Do You Quantum Think, for teaching me this wonderful fundamental concept! 🙂


Photo source: freedigitalphotos.net


About the Author

  • No time to complain Victor, only time to Live, share and care. Thankyou.
    be good to yourself

  • Vidya Sury says:

    Superb, Victor! I love this interpretation of the equation! Right now, I am cleaning up my work front and letting go of a client who’s giving me grief. All I had to do was consider this: How I’d feel without the client and How I’d feel with the client. I made two columns on a sheet of paper – and just wrote what came to my mind. My decision was made.

    Thank you – wonderful post!

    • Victor Schueller says:


      I am sure once you compared your two lists the answer came through pretty clearly! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate it! 🙂

  • Elle says:

    So true Victor…and it’s pretty cool that we can test it out for ourselves. If we’d all simply try keeping our attention on the good ‘stuff’ as you did, we’d see huge and wonderful new experiences in our world. Love this.

    Love Elle

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