“Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.” ~E. Joseph Crossman

What gets you going in the morning?  What drives you?  Do you have something that you have to look forward to accomplishing — a future prize — in mind?  To wake up to face another day — to wake up just to look to make it through another day can be a miserable existence.

Chances are that if you have no prize to keep focused on, otherwise trivial items and matters become your main focus.  If you allow a void to appear within your life, something will inevitably fill it.  Instead of allowing a void to be consumed with gossip, negativity, and other similarly non-productive and ineffective behaviors, why don’t you provide yourself with something to work toward?  Without something to work for, you have nothing to look forward to accomplishing.

If you find that you are waking up uninspired or without a mission or purpose, I would recommend that you find something to focus on.  Search to improve yourself in at least one way.  Perhaps you can read about a subject that is interesting to you to expand your knowledge base in a particular area; perhaps you can take up a hobby in an area you always had an interest in; perhaps you can focus on a professional goal, such as a credential or certification within your career field, that would provide a well-needed challenge for you.

Whatever it is, give yourself a prize to work toward, and then keep your eyes on the prize.  You’ll find that the trivial events and matters of each day are less important, less emotionally draining, and most importantly, much more productive and satisfying.  In the end, once you accomplish your goal, the positive self esteem and sense of accomplishment will provide you with the fuel to tackle your next challenge!

Keep your eye on the prize.  Let me know how it works out for you.  I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Best wishes!


Photo source: freedigitalphotos.net


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