“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” ~Walt Disney

Happy 2012!  I can’t believe the new year is finally here!  I enjoyed “unplugging” myself from pretty much all email, internet, social networks and pretty much anything else electronic and spending quality time with my family over the past week and a half or so.  I hope you also found time to enjoy the holiday season with those you love and hold dear!

Having that time to just enjoy life and appreciate the great things that we have as a family, I had a lot of time to reflect on the past year and look at the possibilities of the year ahead.  As I was thinking about what 2012 has to offer, I couldn’t help but start feeling extremely energized and eager to get going on my objectives and goals for the new year!

If you would have asked me where I would have been at the beginning of 2012 when last year started, I would have been off the mark by quite a bit.  To be honest, I would have never guessed at what 2011 had become.  While my expectations did not match the actual outcomes, in reality I exceeded my expectations for the new year!  I would have been surprised to know what I could actually do!  With that thought, if I exceeded my expectations last year and consider how truly amazing things turned out, then I am excited for 2012!

Over the next few weeks, I plan to finalize the early part of my calendar for my radio interviews.  If you would have told me in January 2011 that I would be getting a chance to talk to the people I am planning on talking to, I would have thought that to be virtually impossible, because, after all, I didn’t even know some of these people existed!  Yet, in the course of a year, they have tremendously impacted my life to the point where I had the courage to contact them and ask them to join me on my show!

An unsolicited plug (regarging the impossible) — One of the people I plan to have on my radio show this year is the “king” of accomplishing the impossible.  As a matter of fact, his blog is called the “Blog of Impossible Things.”  The master of the impossible, Joel Runyon, wrote a post about the ten things he accomplished in 2011 that he would have thought to be impossible at an earlier point in his life.  He is pushing the limits on what he believes is possible, and he is accomplishing great things — he is accomplishing the impossible!  I can’t wait to share his story with you in the early part of this year!

So what is “impossible” for you?  What can you push yourself to do — what can you do to surprise yourself at the end of 2012?  As the great Walt Disney stated, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”  It’s true!  It’s fun to do what some (or even you) think to be impossible, and then look back and realize how you really did accomplish the impossible!

Do the impossible!  Be great!  Surprise yourself!  I wish you the best as you begin your own “impossible” journey!

Best wishes and happy new year!


Photo credit: http://b-82.deviantart.com/


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